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What was the main cause of the eight civil wars that were fought in France between 1562 and 1598 5 points?

What was the main cause of the eight civil wars that were fought in France between 1562 and 1598 5 points?

40 Cards in this Set

What concept was the belief in divine right used to support? absolute rule
What was the main cause of the eight civil wars that were fought in France between 1562 and 1598? religious differences
What king became France’s most powerful ruler and boasted ” I am the state.” Louis IV

What were the causes of the French civil war of 1559 1598?

The causes of the French civil war were the noble attempt to gain power, frequent religious riots, and religious concern from the lower class. The civil war was chiefly a religious event because many ideas that shaped the war were religious such as the religious differences between the Huguenots and the Catholics.

Why did France fight with the Protestants?

No longer able to tolerate the encirclement of two major Habsburg powers on its borders, Catholic France entered the Thirty Years’ War on the side of the Protestants to counter the Habsburgs and bring the war to an end.

Who fought against Catholics in eight wars between 1562 and 1598?

Between 1562 and 1598, Huguenots and Catholics fought eight religious wars.

What was the main cause of the eight civil wars?

As the Huguenots gained influence and displayed their faith more openly, Roman Catholic hostility to them grew, spurning eight civil wars from 1562 to 1598. One of the most infamous events of the wars was the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in 1572, when thousands of Huguenots were killed by Catholics.

What caused the French religious wars?

The war began when the Catholic League convinced King Henry III to issue an edict outlawing Protestantism and annulling Henry of Navarre’s right to the throne. For the first part of the war, the royalists and the Catholic League were uneasy allies against their common enemy, the Huguenots.

What was the main cause of the 8 civil wars in France?

What led to the French civil wars of the sixteenth century?

What fueled the French civil wars of the sixteenth century? The persecution of protestants from the Catholic kings fueled the French civil wars. During the 16th and 17th century, some believed in a practice of witchcraft. They believed these people would worship the devil and were evil.

What caused the French phase of the war?

Phase Four: The French Phase (1635-1648) He believed the Hapsburg rulers could become a rival to the French absolute kings he had worked so hard to strengthen. As a result, Richelieu funded and sent the military to Spain to make war on the weaker side of the Habsburg clan.

Why might Catholic France have joined the war against the Catholic Habsburgs?

The French, though Catholic, were rivals of the Habsburgs and were unhappy with the provisions of the Peace of Prague. Thus, the French entered the conflict in 1635. Two years later, the Swedes re-entered the fray, further weakening Habsburg forces.

Was the conflict that was waged to prevent the union of the French and Spanish thrones?

Unit 5 Test

Question Answer
What was the conflict that was waged to prevent the union of the French and Spanish thrones? War of Spanish Succession
What was a declaration of religious tolerance issued by Henry IV and canceled by Louis XIV? Edict of Nantes

What was the cause of the French Civil War?

The peace of Longjumeau lasted only five months. The civil war in France was influenced by international events, especially by the revolt of the so-called “gueux” : subjects of Philip II of Spain in the Netherlands.

What was the outcome of the eight Wars of Religion?

Coexistence of the two confessions throughout the Kingdom showed itself to be inapplicable. War could no longer be avoided and civil tolerance had failed. Eight wars of religion were to succeed each other throughout 36 years, with periodic interruptions of fragile peace.

When did the Wars of Religion end in France?

The wars will cease with the Edict of Nantes (30 th of April 1598), an edict that established a limited civil tolerance. The confessional duality established throughout France in 1598 was to wear away little by little until the revocation of the edict in 1685.

Why was there a religious split in France?

In the 16 th Century, France was to know a religious split : the great majority of the country remained faithful to Catholicism, whilst an important majority joined the Reformation. Coexistence of the two confessions throughout the Kingdom showed itself to be inapplicable. War could no longer be avoided and civil tolerance had failed.