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Which one of the following logically explains why parts of some cavern systems are aerated?

Which one of the following logically explains why parts of some cavern systems are aerated?

Which of the following statements logically explains why parts of some cavern systems are aerated? A nearby, downcutting stream lowered the water table after the caves had formed. In areas underlain by unconsolidated or weakly consolidated strata, lowering of the water table can cause the land to subside.

Which of the following characteristics are found in all good aquifers?

Aquifers must be both permeable and porous and include such rock types as sandstone, conglomerate, fractured limestone and unconsolidated sand and gravel. Fractured volcanic rocks such as columnar basalts also make good aquifers.

What is Aqua fire?

What Is Aqua Fire? Known as the “safest fire on the planet,” aqua fire is pretty new to the decor industry but booming incredibly fast. With the beautiful glow and appearance of an actual fire, it’s really water. It’s fire that you can play with and run your hands through without risking any injuries.

What are confining layers?

A confining layer is a body of material next to an aquifer with little room between particles for liquid to flow through. For example, dense clays often act as confining layer.

What is the name of the localized lowering of the water table?

As groundwater is pumped from water wells, there usually is a localized drop in the water table around the well called a cone of depression (see Figure Formation of a Cone of Depression around a Pumping Water Well).

What happens when the water table drops below sea level in aquifers near the ocean quizlet?

What happens when the water table drops below sea level in aquifers near the ocean? filtration of runoff water before it enters the river or lake.

What makes a good aquifer?

An aquifer is defined as a body of rock or unconsolidated sediment that has sufficient permeability to allow water to flow through it. Unconsolidated materials like gravel, sand, and even silt make relatively good aquifers, as do rocks like sandstone. Other rocks can be good aquifers if they are well fractured.