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What crop was raised on Southern plantations?

What crop was raised on Southern plantations?

The cash crops of the southern colonies included cotton, tobacco, rice, and indigo (a plant that was used to create blue dye). In Virginia and Maryland, the main cash crop was tobacco. In South Carolina and Georgia, the main cash crops were indigo and rice.

What was raised on plantations?

The agricultural structures on plantations had some basic structures in common and others that varied widely. They depended on what crops and animals were raised on the plantation. Common crops included corn, upland cotton, sea island cotton, rice, sugarcane, and tobacco.

What is a plantation farmer?

Plantation farming was a system of agriculture in which large farms in the American colonies used the forced labor of slaves to plant and harvest cotton, rice, sugar, tobacco and other farm produce for trade and export.

What were some of the crops grown on the plantations which crop was 1?

Prominent crops included cotton, rubber, sugar cane, tobacco, figs, rice, kapok, sisal, and species in the genus Indigofera, used to produce indigo dye. The longer a crop’s harvest period, the more efficient plantations become.

Why were there plantations in the South?

The plantation system developed in the American South as the British colonists arrived in Virginia and divided the land into large areas suitable for farming. Because the economy of the South depended on the cultivation of crops, the need for agricultural labor led to the establishment of slavery.

What were the jobs on a plantation?

The plantations depended on skilled slaves – masons, joiners, coopers, metalworkers – to keep factories, fields, equipment and transport prepared and functioning. The needs of the wider slave community were served by other vital workers: cooks, nurses and seamstresses.

What is the process of plantation farming?

Plantation agriculture is a type of commercial farming in which a single crop is grown for the entire year. This type of farming requires large amount of labour and capital. The crop production may be further processed on the farm itself where it is grown or in nearby factories or small scale industries.

What is plantation crop production?

Plantation is a piece of land not less than but more than 5ha dedicated to production of. permanent tree crops with industrial value. It is profit oriented industry comprising of. different aspects that can stand alone as a venture.

What was the first crop raised in the southern colonies?

Tobacco PlantationsTobacco was the first plantation crop raised by the Southern colonies. The tobacco industry produced tobacco which was originally used for pipes and snuff. The first Southern plantations were worked by Indentured servants the massive sizes of the plantations needed more and more labor.

What was the economy of the southern plantations?

With an extreme increase in the growth of cotton, tobacco, indigo and rice, the Southern economy was supported by the need for a reliable consistent labor system. Lacking the access to useful machinery, humans were used instead, to cultivate, to plant and to harvest crops.

How did the slave system affect the plantation system?

Because these crops required large areas of land, the plantations grew in size, and in turn, more slaves were required to work on the plantations. This sharpened class divisions, as a small number of people owned larger and larger plantations. Thus, the wealthy landowners got wealthier, and the use of slave labor increased.

What did the owners of the tobacco plantations live in?

The owners lived in colonial mansions, the overseers in small houses and the slave lived in very basic wooden cabins in the slave quarters. Tobacco PlantationsTobacco was the first plantation crop raised by the Southern colonies. The tobacco industry produced tobacco which was originally used for pipes and snuff.