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What sort of mood is Mercutio in?

What sort of mood is Mercutio in?

The humorous and playful mood is portrayed through the characters’ jokes and witticisms, which can even be seen as lewd and crass. Mercutio is especially guilty of lewd witticisms seen in his sexually implicit puns.

What type of character is Mercutio?

Mercutio was a loyal best friend to the death. He was witty, funny, hotheaded, and perhaps even a bit crude. Romeo was a romantic, while Mercutio did not believe in the idea of true love. It was his loyalty that killed him in the end.

What is Romeo’s tone?

The tone of Romeo and Juliet moves back and forth between the light-hearted/comic and the intense/tragic. We can appreciate that Shakespeare provides a Prologue that tells his audience this will be a tragedy, because the tone is so often comic, especially in the beginning scenes.

How is Mercutio a compelling character?

Mercutio is Romeo’s best friend. Mercutio likes to have a good laugh, is optimistic, loyal and a good friend. When Romeo is depressed because of his unrequited love for Rosaline, it is Mercutio that suggests they should all gate-crash the Capulet party.

What kind of mood is Mercutio in at the beginning of the scene?

He is the messenger for the mood, He brings laughter or tragedy. Shakespeare use Mercutio to show the mood of rest of the play. In the beginning Mercutio is a free spirited jokester who sometimes suggest that tragedy with fall upon them, and the play is the same, It is essentially a comedy the foreshadows tragedy.

What is Mercutio’s tragic flaw?

Mercutio’s tragic flaw is that he exhibits the characteristic Montague anger. This leads to his senseless brawl with Tybalt. As a result, this brawl ultimately costs Mercutio his life.

Why is Mercutio an important character?

Mercutio’s role is the most important. He is the kinsman to the prince and Romeo’s closest friend and confidante, and in this role he can be very inluential to Romeo and can influence the decisions made and the directions the play takes. He uses his humour and wit to lead the other characters to the climax.

What kind of mood is Mercutio in Act 3?

Mercutio and Tybalt begin fighting and the mood switches to one of violence. Mercutio’s death maintains this violent mood: Romeo takes revenge by killing Tybalt. The mood briefly switches to one of sadness at Lady Capulet mourns the death of her nephew.

How does Shakespeare use Mercutio in his plays?

Shakespeare often presents Mercutio mood by long speeches, which is usually brought on by another character stating something ponder. An example of this is the opening of the second act when Romeo leave his group to search for Juliet and Benvolio and Mercutio go running after him.

How did Mercutio change the mood of the play?

Before in previous scene, Mercutio was a character full of life making the scene Humorous by being the comic relief and bring up the mood of the play. But when Mercutio is killed the mood to the rest of the play becomes more serious, violent, and tragic changing the play from what seemed to be a comedy into a tragedy.

How is Mercutio similar to Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet?

Like Tybalt, Mercutio has a strong sense of honor and can’t understand Romeo’s refusal to fight Tybalt, calling it, “O calm, dishonorable, vile submission” (III.1.72). Mercutio demonstrates his loyalty and courage when he takes up Tybalt’s challenge to defend his friend’s name.

How does Mercutio mock Romeo’s vision of Love?

Mercutio mocks Romeo’s vision of love and the poetic devices he uses to express his emotions: Romeo, Humors! Madman! If love be rough with you, be rough with love; Prick love for pricking and you beat love down.