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What does Julia believe about Goldstein?

What does Julia believe about Goldstein?

1984 test

Question Answer
Julia has a theory about the stories of Goldstein and the underground. She believes….. They are made up by the Party
What does Winston find so fascinating about the paperweight? It’s a piece of unaltered history

What is Julia’s opinion of revolt against the party?

What is Julia’s opinion of revolt against the Party? No independent group could stand up against it because it was a crime. What does Winston think about the room over Charrington’s shop?

What is the name of the underground rebellion group and who does Winston believes leads it?

He vaguely suspects that his superior, an Inner Party official O’Brien, is part of an enigmatic underground resistance movement known as the Brotherhood, formed by Big Brother’s reviled political rival Emmanuel Goldstein. One day, Julia secretly hands Winston a love note, and the two begin a secret affair.

What does Julia believe surprises Winston?

list 4-5 things that Julia believes that surprise Winston? She refused to believe the party is real, she believes all of the stones of goldstien are “rubbish”. She was little during the revolution. What does Winston mean when he says to Julia “you’re only a rebel from the waist downwords.”

Who is Emmanuel Goldstein and what did he do?

He is the principal enemy of the state according to the Party of the totalitarian Oceania. He is depicted as the head of a mysterious and possibly fictitious dissident organization called “The Brotherhood” and as having written the book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism.

What are Julia’s beliefs on the party?

Julia and Winston both believe that the tyranny of the Party needs to be brought to an end. They have a commitment to freedom and realize that so long as the Party is in charge, there will be no freedom.

What is Julia’s opinion of the party?

She understands the Party better than he does and is more cunning in the ways that she defies Party doctrine. While Winston is emotional about the Party and its potential downfall, Julia feels his wishes are merely fantasy and is apathetic to the Party’s dogma.

What is your opinion of Julia is she a realist or a cynic?

Julia is very much a realist in her perception of the society in which she lives, and of the requirements of continuing to exist in that society with a modicum of privilege. She is, however, exceptionally cynical in her interpretation of the government’s dictates and of the nature of that society.

How does Obrien test Julia and Winston?

How does O’Brien test Julia and Winston? He asks what they are willing to do, such as commit murder or suicide, harm others including children, etc., and then he asks if they would be separated. They answer “yes” to everything except to being apart, which is how he finds out that they love each other.

What does O’Brien do that shocks Winston and Julia?

Inside his sumptuous apartment, O’Brien shocks Winston by turning off the telescreen. Believing that he is free of the Party’s observation, Winston boldly declares that he and Julia are enemies of the Party and wish to join the Brotherhood. As Winston leaves, O’Brien turns on the telescreen and returns to his work.

How are Winston and Julia caught?

They don’t know there is a telescreen in the room (it’s behind a picture) but all of a sudden it starts joining their conversation, making fun of them. A soldier bursts through the window, some more of them through the door. They arrest Winston and Julia.