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Why did George Pullman create a town for his workers?

Why did George Pullman create a town for his workers?

He intended for his planned community to help prevent labor unrest, attract a skilled workforce and increase employee productivity by providing a clean, orderly environment away from the vice-filled big city. The town featured more than 1,000 homes, public buildings and parks.

What was significant about George Pullman factory town?

The factories at Pullman attracted thousands of people, the majority of which were skilled workers. These workers commanded a higher salary than unskilled workers, and Pullman had intended his town to attract and retain these employees. The company made efforts to employ women in “appropriate” jobs such as sewing.

Why was George Pullman a bad person?

Pullman controlled the town with profits in mind: when he cut workers’ wages by 25% in 1893, rent prices held steady. Rent was deducted from employees’ paychecks, leaving men with little left over to feed their families — not to mention pay for water and gas, which Pullman also charged them for.

Why did George Pullman’s worker towns fail?

In 1894, when manufacturing demand fell off, Pullman cut jobs and wages and increased working hours in his plant to lower costs and keep profits, but he did not lower rents or prices in the company town. The workers eventually launched a strike.

How did company towns affect workers?

In some cases, companies paid employees with a scrip that was only good at company stores. Without external competition, housing costs and groceries in company towns could become exorbitant, and the workers built up large debts that they were required to pay off before leaving.

What are the reasons that workers wanted to strike against Pullman?

Among the reasons for the strike were the absence of democracy within the town of Pullman and its politics, the rigid paternalistic control of the workers by the company, excessive water and gas rates, and a refusal by the company to allow workers to buy and own houses. They had not yet formed a union.

Who was George Pullman and what did he do?

George Mortimer Pullman (March 3, 1831-October 19, 1897), best known for the palatial railroad sleeping and dining cars that bore his name, was a lifelong Universalist, a leading industrialist and one of the consummate industrial managers of the 19th century.

What was the total cost to build Pullman?

Garbage was collected daily; the buildings and grounds of the entire town were maintained by the Pullman Company. The total cost to build the town of Pullman was $8,000,000. The quality of company owned and maintained housing was uncommonly good for worker housing.

Is the town of Pullman a new idea?

The concept of a company town like Pullman was not new or even unique; however, it can be argued that the execution of the concept was the most successful.

What kind of cars did the Pullman Company make?

The company produced a variety of cars including sleeping cars, hotel cars, parlor cars, and dining cars. These were too expensive for railroad companies to purchase outright, so Pullman built his business model around leasing the cars and providing the employees necessary to serve passengers.