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What literary devices are used in The Old Man and the Sea?

What literary devices are used in The Old Man and the Sea?

The Old Man and the Sea imagery. Christian allegory and Christ and crucifixion motifs in the novel. Hemingway’s use of foreshadowing and flashbacks. Situational and dramatic irony in the novel.

What are some figurative language in The Old Man and the Sea?

Some common types of figurative language are hyperbole, personification, and similes. In The Old Man and the Sea, we get an example of hyperbole when Santiago says that the fish ruined ”everything. ” We see an example of personification when the narrator describes how Santiago sees the ocean as a woman.

What metaphors are in The Old Man and the Sea?

The sail on Santiago’s old fishing boat is a metaphor for suffering, defeat and aging, yet the sail still serves a useful purpose. Santiago patched the sail with flour sacks; as a result, it looks worn and tattered from use and age, just like Santiago himself.

What literary device does Hemingway use?

Hemingway uses a simile to compare the shark to a pig racing to its food trough. A simile is a figure of speech that uses “like” or “as” to compare two things that are not alike. The use of the simile gives the reader a visual way to understand the…

What images are used to describe the old man in The Old Man and the Sea?

In The Old Man and the Sea, one example of imagery is when the old man gets cut on his face, and the narrator describes how it trickles down but dries before reaching his chin. Another example of imagery is when we read that the old man’s hands were shimmering with the phosphorescence of the fish scales.

What are the major themes in The Old Man and the Sea?

The Old Man and the Sea Themes

  • Resistance to Defeat. As a fisherman who has caught nothing for the last 84 days, Santiago is a man fighting against defeat.
  • Pride.
  • Friendship.
  • Youth and Age.
  • Man and Nature.
  • Christian Allegory.

What are the major themes in the Old Man and the Sea?

What is the simile in The Old Man and the Sea?

In The Old Man and the Sea there are many examples of similes. One such example comes when the narrator describes the appearance of a swordfish and writes ”His sword was as long as a baseball bat and tapered like a rapier. ” Another example is when the boy and the old man see a fish bleeding in the ocean.

How is the old man and the sea a metaphor for life?

In essence it is a maturation journey, full of struggles and epiphanies. It is also an existential task, to come to terms with death as inevitable and therefore to adopt a meaning-based attitude towards life. It is a metaphor for the searching life, as Santiago says to himself ‘My big fish must be somewhere’.

Did Hemingway use metaphors?

Metaphor(m) and Foundational Metaphors in Ernest Hemingway. The novelist Ernest Hemingway is renowned for the apparent straightforwardness of his literary manner. While his style is clean and unornamented, this is the result of a refined yet involved metaphor(m), one not so easy to demonstrate schematically.

What is the irony in The Old Man and the Sea?

The irony at the end of The Old Man and the Sea is that, though Santiago has finally caught a fish, it has been stripped bare by sharks. In that sense, the old fisherman has been both lucky and unlucky at the same time.

What is an allusion in The Old Man and the Sea?

Another Biblical allusion in this book is that the old man is at sea for three days and has painful injuries from his palms all the way to his back. These injuries took place on the boat where the mast stands kind of like where Jesus gets his injuries and like jesus’s injuries on the cross.