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Has strong gravity nothing can escape?

Has strong gravity nothing can escape?

A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it. In many ways, a black hole acts like an ideal black body, as it reflects no light.

Can anything escape gravity?

Black holes are the blackest things in the universe. Because of their enormous, space-bending gravity, everything that falls into them is instantly ripped apart and lost. Scientists have never seen a black hole, because nothing, not even light, can escape them.

What has a gravitational pull that light can’t escape?

A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying.

Is a black hole a hole?

No, a black hole is not really a hole at all. A black hole is an object just like any other, except that it is extremely dense. This gives it such a high gravitational field that nothing, not even light, can escape. This may be why it is often misconstrued that black holes are ‘holes’ in space-time.

How can gravity escape a black hole?

As such, gravity doesn’t escape from within the interior of the black hole: it’s simply caused by the hole’s presence. If black holes collide, however, the space-time surrounding them responds by producing ripples known as gravitational waves; but again they aren’t ‘escaping’ from within the black holes.

Why nothing can escape a black hole?

Answer: Within the event horizon of a black hole space is curved to the point where all paths that light might take to exit the event horizon point back inside the event horizon. Since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, nothing escapes the event horizon of a black hole.

Why can nothing escape a black hole?

What kind of object has gravity so strong that nothing can escape?

A black hole is an object that has completely collapsed under the force of gravity, crushing atoms and subatomic particles, and having gravity so strong that not even light can escape it. What forms when the leftovers of a supernova are so massive that they collapse to form a dense object whose gravity is so strong that light cannot escape?

Why does gravity not need to escape from a black hole?

The mass ‘curves’ space time around it, causing nearby objects to be attracted towards it. Therefore gravity does not need to ‘escape’ from a black hole, the strong gravitational field around it is the reason other things cannot escape from it.

Is it possible to escape the gravity of a planet?

No. All planets have gravity. Any object massive enough to be considered a planet would have strong enough gravity that you could simply escape by jumping. It is, however, possible for an object to escape the gravity of any planet if it is launched in the right way and with enough speed. How strong is the gravity?