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What is the warm cloud precipitation process?

What is the warm cloud precipitation process?

In cloud physics, the process producing precipitation through collision between liquid particles (cloud droplets, drizzle drops, and raindrops). The warm rain process includes growth by collision–coalescence and limitations to growth by drop breakup. This has been called the coalescence freezing mechanism.

What causes a cloud to produce precipitation?

What causes rain? Clouds are made of water droplets. Within a cloud, water droplets condense onto one another, causing the droplets to grow. When these water droplets get too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, they fall to Earth as rain.

How are warm clouds formed?

Warm clouds consist entirely of droplets which have been formed by condensation onto aerosol particles. Above a certain relative humidity soluble particles will deliquesce – the solid particle dissolves in the water it has taken on and becomes a tiny liquid drop, but not yet a cloud drop.

What are the processes of precipitation?

Along with evaporation and condensation, precipitation is one of the three major parts of the global water cycle. Precipitation forms in the clouds when water vapor condenses into bigger and bigger droplets of water. When the drops are heavy enough, they fall to the Earth.

Which two clouds can produce precipitation?

Clouds that produce rain and snow fall into this category. (“Nimbus” comes from the Latin word for “rain.”) Two examples are the nimbostratus or cumulonimbus clouds. Nimbostratus clouds bring continuous precipitation that can last for many hours.

How does warm cloud precipitation or rain form?

atmosphere and precipitation …is referred to as a warm cloud, and the precipitation that results is said to be due to warm-cloud processes. In such a cloud, the growth of a liquid water droplet to a raindrop begins with condensation, as additional water vapour condenses in a supersaturated atmosphere.

What process is associated with cold clouds with warm clouds?

Warm clouds: condensation, collision, coalescence (then break-up) Cold clouds: super-cooled water freezes on ice nuclei – producing larger ice particles – often melt en route to surface.

Which process will form precipitation in a cold cloud?

Ice Phase Process. Outside of the tropics, the ice phase process of rain formation is the primary mechanism producing most of the worlds precipitation. The ice phase process occurs in cold clouds or clouds with temperatures below 0°C.

How is precipitation produced in a warm cloud?

In warm clouds, where all of the cloud droplets are liquid, the collision-coalescence process is the primary mechanism responsible for producing precipitation. This is thought to be the case especially over tropical oceans. The collision-coalescence process is exactly as it sounds: cloud droplets collide and coalesce or stick together.

Where does the warm rain process take place?

Since warm base (>10°C) convective clouds of about 2 km depth typically have these features, the warm rain process is found to be active in both shallow and deep convectionin the Tropicsand midlatitudes.

How does condensation affect the growth of a cloud?

Condensation – In an environment with few cloud condensation nuclei, a few droplets can grow by condensation to the critical size where 3. Coalescence – takes over as the falling drop starts to collide and merge with smaller droplets in its path.

How does precipitation occur in the tropics?

When collisions occur, drops either bounce apart or coalesce into one larger drop. Coalescence efficiency is very high indicating that most collisions result in coalescence. Collision and coalescence together form the primary mechanism for precipitation in the tropics, where warm clouds dominate.