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What do you mean by reformers?

What do you mean by reformers?

Definition of reformer 1 : one that works for or urges reform. 2 capitalized : a leader of the Protestant Reformation. 3 : an apparatus for cracking oils or gases to form specialized products.

What is a reformer in history?

noun. a person devoted to bringing about reform, as in politics or society. (initial capital letter) any of the leaders of the Reformation.

What is the meaning social reformers?

1. social reformer – a disputant who advocates reform. crusader, meliorist, reformer, reformist. controversialist, disputant, eristic – a person who disputes; who is good at or enjoys controversy. abolitionist, emancipationist – a reformer who favors abolishing slavery.

What is the role of a reformer?

A reformer is someone who tries to change and improve something such as a law or a social system.

Who called reformers?

Magisterial Reformers

  • Martin Luther.
  • Philipp Melanchthon.
  • Justus Jonas.
  • Martin Chemnitz.
  • Georg Spalatin.
  • Joachim Westphal.
  • Andreas Osiander.
  • Johannes Brenz.

How does a reformer work?

Reformer pilates allows you to move through full range while working on strengthening muscles. This dynamic form of exercise, cleverly uses the machine’s springs and levers to create resistance and allow for equal focus on the concentric and eccentric contractions to create long, lean, toned muscles.

What is another word for reformers?

What is another word for reformer?

campaigner activist
crusader agitator
improver reorganizer
advocate champion
fighter supporter

What is an example of social reform?

An example of a social reform movement is the American Women’s Suffrage movement. Individuals that involve themselves in social reform seek to raise the quality of life for others. Throughout America’s history there have been many social reform movements, temperance,abolition,women’s rights, civil rights, labor rights.

What are the qualities of a reformer?


  • Strong Conscience.
  • Hard-Working.
  • Responsible.
  • Honest.
  • Dependable.
  • Practical.
  • Self-Controlled.

How do you use reform?

Reform in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The school board was voting on reform that would change the grading system in the district.
  2. In order to reform his negative behaviors, his parents placed him in a boarding school.
  3. The people wanted to enact reform on how the politicians received their campaign money.

What does a reformer do?

A reformer is someone who tries to change and improve something such as a law or a social system.

What is a reformer in a refinery?

A reformer is someone who works for reform. Reformer may also refer to: Catalytic reformer, a unit in an oil refinery that reforms lighter hydrocarbons into higher octane molecules and hydrogen.

What are synonyms of social reformer?

Social Reformer synonyms. Top synonyms for social reformer (other words for social reformer) are reformer, reformist and meliorist.