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How do you write possessive of people?

How do you write possessive of people?

Both words are plural, and both are in the possessive form. However, people’s is the possessive of the word people — the plural of person. In contrast, peoples’ is the possessive of the word peoples — used to refer to groups of people.

What is the plural possessive form of man?

Regular & Irregular Possessive Plural Forms

Irregular Plurals
Singular Possessive Singular Possessive Plural
man man’s men’s
woman woman’s women’s
child child’s children’s

What is correct people or people?

Most of the time, people is the correct word to choose as a plural for person. Persons is archaic, and it is safe to avoid using it, except in legal writing, which has its own traditional language. Peoples is only necessary when you refer to distinct ethnic groups (for example, within the same region).

Which is correct the people or people?

It depends on how it is being used. If it is simply the plural of ‘person,’ then ‘people’ is the correct word. However, if it is the plural of the singular collective noun ‘people,’ then you can have more than one group of people, collectively, and you would say ‘peoples. ‘ Hope that clarifies.

What is the difference between singular and plural possessive?

Singular possessive nouns are easy. If a person, place or thing owns something all you have to do is add an ‘s. Plural possessive nouns show ownership when there is more than one of a noun. To show ownership where there is more than one noun you can simply add an s’ to the end of a word.

Which is the correct form of plural possessive?

If something belongs to one person or individual thing or animal, we use the singular possessive. If it belongs to an entire group, we use the plural possessive. The word “client’s” is the singular possessive form of “client,” and “clients'” is the plural possessive form of the same word.

How to make people possessive?

How to Make the Word PEOPLE Possessive. To make a singular noun possessive, the rule is to add apostrophe s: The dog’s bone was missing. To make a plural noun possessive (if it ends in -s), the rule is to add an apostrophe (after the -s). The cats’ paws were covered in dirt. So, what’s up with people? PEOPLE is a plural noun, but it does not end in -s, because it is one of those irregular nouns (like geese, children, women etc).

What is an apostrophe used in a plural possesive?

The possessive of a plural noun is formed by adding only an apostrophe when the noun ends in s, and by adding both an apostrophe and s when it ends in a letter other than s. Use only an apostrophe for singular nouns that are in the form of a plural⁠-or have a final word in the form of a plural⁠-ending with an s.