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How long does it take for a broken collarbone to stop hurting?

How long does it take for a broken collarbone to stop hurting?

Pain lasting after 6 to 8 weeks should prompt a visit to a doctor (preferably an orthopedist) to check on the progress of the healing bone. In general, older people take longer to heal than younger people, and still may not be completely healed as long as 12 weeks after the original injury.

What happens if clavicle healed wrong?

The patient will need to see your doctor until the fracture heals. The fracture can move out of place before it heals. If the bone heals in the wrong position, called a “malunion”, it can affect the patient’s shoulder function..

How long does it take to fully recover from clavicle surgery?

What is the outlook for a broken clavicle without surgery? Most collarbone fractures heal in six to eight weeks, without surgery or complications. Most people are able to start getting back to normal activities by three months or so, but full recovery may take up to six to 12 months.

Will a broken collarbone heal perfectly?

Usually a broken collarbone will heal on its own. You just need to give it time. To help speed the healing, you might get: A splint or brace to keep your shoulder from moving.

Where is the pain for broken collarbone?

The most obvious symptom of a collarbone fracture is sudden, intense pain at the site of the break. Usually the pain worsens as you move your shoulder. You may also hear or feel a grinding noise or sensation with any shoulder movement.

Why do my collar bones ache?

Collarbone pain can be caused by a fracture, arthritis, a bone infection, or another condition related to the position of your clavicle. If you have sudden collarbone pain as the result of an accident, sports injury, or other trauma, get to an emergency room.

Can a broken collarbone cause shoulder pain later in life?

Clavicle fracture is commonly treated conservatively. However uncommon complication can arise causing impingement. We report a patient who sustained distal clavicle fracture and was treated conservatively. However he developed persistent shoulder pain that affected his daily life.

When can I run after clavicle surgery?

You can move and use the arm and shoulder without pain. In general, people can go back to noncontact sports (such as running or swimming) in about 6 weeks and contact sports (such as football, lacrosse, and hockey) in 8–12 weeks.

How long after clavicle surgery can I lift weights?

Most people notice some improvement in pain as the fracture begins to heal. We allow movement of the shoulder as tolerated. However, weight lifting restrictions are placed until the bone has healed. It is common to see it written that it takes 6 weeks to heal.

What is clavicle malunion?

Malunion is when the fracture heals with significant angulation, shortening, and a poor appearance. Mild malunion is common after clavicle fractures, but it is usually not clinically significant. Occasionally, the patient can have pain or a mild limitation in motion or strength.

How do you strengthen your collarbone?

Shoulder flexion (lying down)

  1. Lie on your back, holding a wand with both hands. Your palms should face down as you hold the wand.
  2. Keep your elbows straight, and slowly raise your arms over your head until you feel a stretch in your shoulders, upper back, and chest.
  3. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.
  4. Repeat 2 to 4 times.

What kind of pain does a clavicle injury cause?

Collarbone pain can be excruciating, and is very common among athletes, especially hockey and football players who often suffer injuries to their collarbone (also known as the clavicle). Fracturing the collarbone is the most common bone injury, as is the resulting clavicle pain.

When to see a doctor for a clavicle fracture?

Your clavicle, or your collar bone, goes from the top of your breastbone to your shoulder blade, so a fracture can cause an intense amount of pain in your upper body. If you think you have a broken clavicle, you should see a medical professional right away to make sure it heals properly.

How long does it take for a broken clavicle to heal?

The first, second, and third portions of the clavicle require different healing processes. If the middle of the clavicle is broken, it can take up to 12 weeks to heal. The far third of the clavicle may take up to six weeks to heal, and the third portion of the clavicle may take as long as eight weeks to heal.

When to move your shoulder after a clavicle fracture?

As the pain in the clavicle area improves you should be able to begin moving the shoulder joint a little to prevent the joint from tightening up too much. If the shoulder joint gets stiff, it is a condition known as a frozen shoulder. Usually as the pain in the fracture begins to subside, it is acceptable to begin moving the shoulder.