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What is the correct meaning of the word surly?

What is the correct meaning of the word surly?

1 : menacing or threatening in appearance surly weather. 2 obsolete : arrogant, imperious. 3 : irritably sullen and churlish in mood or manner : crabbed.

Which is the closest synonym for the word surly?


  • boorish.
  • dour.
  • irritable.
  • morose.
  • rude.
  • sullen.
  • testy.
  • ugly.

When someone is surly?

The definition of surly is someone who is bad-tempered, or something that is threatening such as poor weather. An example of someone who would be described as surly is a grumpy person who frowns at everyone who comes near him. Irritated, bad-tempered, unfriendly. Sullenly ill-humored; gruff.

What is surly attitude?

Surly describes behavior nobody wants to be around. Surly behavior is always frowned upon, but the word’s origins are in the behavior of English nobility. Surly’s roots are in sirly, as in sir, meaning arrogant, haughty, and superior.

Is SURL a word?

surl is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc. The word ‘surl’ is made up of 4 letters.

What does sour face mean?

bad-tempered and unfriendly
sour-faced in British English (ˌsaʊəˈfeɪst) adjective. bad-tempered and unfriendly.

What is a sentence for surly?

Surly sentence example. “I won’t,” answered the kitten, in a surly voice. “You have queer friends, seems to me,” replied the kitten, in a surly tone. But his surly guest said scarcely a word.

Is the word surely correct?

“Surely” is traditional, formal, correct. “Sure” is colloquial, informal, common, and also correct (at least it is in America.) Well, beyond that “Americsn” or “British” never ending debate, basic rules do exsist in the common English Language. “Surely” is an adverb and “hot” is an adjective.

How do you spell the name Shirley?

Correct spelling for the English word “Shirley” is [ʃˈɜːlɪ], [ʃˈɜːlɪ], [ʃ_ˈɜː_l_ɪ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is SURL a word in Scrabble?

surl is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc. Using the word ‘surl’ in Scrabble will fetch you -1 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you -1 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).

Which is the best definition of the word surly?

Definition of surly 1 : menacing or threatening in appearance surly weather 2 obsolete : arrogant, imperious 3 : irritably sullen and churlish in mood or manner : crabbed

Which is the best definition of the word ameliorate?

Definition of ameliorate. transitive verb. : to make better or more tolerable medicine to ameliorate the pain. intransitive verb. : to grow better. Other Words from ameliorate Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Did You Know? More Example Sentences Learn More about ameliorate.

Who are the customers for the surly bonds?

— Kirby Adams, The Courier-Journal, 23 July 2021 The potential customers, Mowry says, are space enthusiasts, eager to slip the surly bonds for the first time. — Tim Fernholz, Quartz, 20 July 2021 Which meant bodyguards and sore losers—too many surly men walking around with guns in their pockets.