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What does Sidi likes about Lakunle?

What does Sidi likes about Lakunle?

Sidi responds by mentioning to Lakunle that the entire village calls him a madman. Lakunle is a proponent of modernity and a supporter of Western culture. He is also religious and believes that women should cover themselves.

Why does Lakunle lose Sidi to Baruka?

Sidi is excited at the prospect, as it will disseminate her great beauty to a much wider audience than the magazine. Sidi is so blinded by her own unconquerable vanity that she fails to see that it’s Baroka who’ll get the best out of the deal.

What is the character of Lakunle?

Lakunle, young and arrogant, flaunts his overblown knowledge of English and treats his village’s traditions and customs with snobbery. He represents modernity and postcolonialism, and his character also conflicts with Baroka, the village chief.

What is the relationship between Sidi and Lakunle?

The triangle connects Sidi, a beautiful young woman, to the other two characters. Lakunle, the younger man, has moved away for school and has recently returned to serve as a teacher there. Baroka is an older, wealthy, powerful man in the village. Both men want to marry Sidi, who is determined to make the best match.

How did baroka seduce Sidi?

In The Lion and the Jewel, Baroka seduces Sidi by sending out the false rumor that he is impotent, so that she feels safe coming to his room. Once there, he shows his physical strength by flipping a younger man he was wrestling with. She finds out that he is not impotent when he rapes her.

How did baroka trap Sidi?

In The Lion and the Jewel, Baroka seduces Sidi by sending out the false rumor that he is impotent, so that she feels safe coming to his room. She finds out that he is not impotent when he rapes her. Though Lakunle says he will marry her, Sidi is seduced by Baroka’s strength and virility and decides she will marry him.

Why does Sita not marry Lakunle?

She refuses to marry Lakunle because he won’t pay the money; however, there could be more to it. It’s possible that Sidi simply doesn’t like Lakunle and that the bride price is a convenient way to say no. Lakunle is not likable.

How Sidi admire how Lakunle uses big words?

Lakunle delights in using big words and flowery language to try to impress Sidi and other villagers. While his grasp of the English language makes him feel powerful, in reality it only makes him look like a fool. He uses complicated words because he knows that they are beyond the understanding of his fellow villagers.