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Is Massachusetts a white state?

Is Massachusetts a white state?

Massachusetts has an estimated population of 6.893 million as of 2019 according to the U. S. Census Bureau….Massachusetts Racial Breakdown of Population (2017) hide.

Race White
Percentage of Massachusetts population 80.6%
Percentage of United States population 76.3%
Difference +4.3%

What’s the population of Massachusetts 2021?

7.1 million
Massachusetts population in 2021 is estimated to be 7.1 million, ranks 15th populous state of United States. Its area is 10,565 sq miles (27,337 sq km), ranks 44th largest by area. Boston is the capital city and other top cities of Massachusetts are Worcester, Springfield, Lowell and Cambridge.

How many 75 year olds are there in Massachusetts?

MA Demographic Statistics

Number Percent
60 to 64 years 236,405 3.7
65 to 74 years 427,830 6.7
75 to 84 years 315,640 5.0
85 years and over 116,692 1.8

What percent of Massachusetts is black?


Female persons, percent  51.5%
Race and Hispanic Origin
White alone, percent  80.6%
Black or African American alone, percent(a)  9.0%

What percent of Massachusetts is Catholic?

According to the 2010 Religion Census, a study conducted every 10 years, 45 percent of Massachusetts residents consider themselves Catholic, making the Bay State one of the most heavily Catholic states in the US.

What percentage of Boston’s population is black?


Female persons, percent  52.0%  50.8%
Race and Hispanic Origin
White alone, percent  52.8%  76.3%
Black or African American alone, percent(a)  25.2%  13.4%

How many families live in Boston?


Families & Living Arrangements
Households, 2015-2019 269,522
Persons per household, 2015-2019 2.36
Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2015-2019 80.2%

What is the current population of Boston MA?

United Nations population projections are also included through the year 2035. The current metro area population of Boston in 2021 is 4,315,000, a 0.14% increase from 2020. The metro area population of Boston in 2020 was 4,309,000, a 0.05% increase from 2019. The metro area population of Boston in 2019 was 4,307,000, a 0.02% decline from 2018.

What are the demographics of the state of Massachusetts?

Massachusetts Racial Breakdown of Population (2017) Race Percentage of Massachusetts population Percentage of United States population Difference White: 80.6%: 76.3% +4.3% White (Non-Hispanic) 71.1%: 60.1% +11.0% Hispanic: 12.4%: 18.5% –6.1% Black: 9.0%: 13.4% –4.4% Asian: 7.2%: 5.9% +1.3% Native Americans/Hawaiians: 0.6%: 1.5% –0.9% Two

What was the population of Boston in 1985?

Boston – Historical Population Data Year Population Growth Rate 1986 3,362,000 0.39% 1985 3,349,000 0.42% 1984 3,335,000 0.42% 1983 3,321,000 0.39%

What is the sex ratio of the state of Massachusetts?

The population is distributed as follows: The total sex ratio of Massachusetts is 94.3 male/100 female. For ages 18 years and over, the sex ratio is 92.0 male/100 female and for ages 65 years and over, the sex ratio is 76.9 male/100 female.