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What is Napoleon most famous and known for?

What is Napoleon most famous and known for?

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military general, the first emperor of France and one of the world’s greatest military leaders. Napoleon revolutionized military organization and training, sponsored the Napoleonic Code, reorganized education and established the long-lived Concordat with the papacy.

What made Napoleon so famous?

Napoleon is famous for his institution of the Napoleonic Code, which granted freedom of religion, eliminated privileges based upon birth, and demanded that government jobs be given to those most qualified to hold them. His popularity soared and, in 1802, Napoleon was proclaimed France’s first emperor.

What are the important features of Napoleon’s rule?

1)Feudal system was abolished. 2)Equality before the law was established. 3)Right to property was given. 4)Serfdoms and manorial dues was abolished.

Which one of the following was the features of Napoleonic Code?

There are some features of the Napoleonic Code: – Equality before the law was established. – Right to property was given. – The feudal system was abolished.

What are the features of civil code?


  • Feudal system was abolished.
  • Equality before the law was established.
  • Right to property was given.
  • Serfdoms and manorial dues was abolished.
  • Abolished all privileges based on birth.

What did Napoleon do that makes him famous?

Napoleon is perhaps more famous today for being short than for his military prowess and political talents. Napoleon even succeeded in bringing about peace by defeating Austria and, for a time, quelling Britain’s efforts to stand against the French military.

How tall was Napoleon at the time of his death?

But in fact, at the time of his death, Napoleon measured 5 feet 2 inches in French units — the equivalent of 5 feet 6.5 inches in modern measurement units — which was a distinctly average height at the time. 10. The cause of his death remains a mystery Napoleon died, aged 51, on the island of Saint Helena after a long, unpleasant illness.

Why was Napoleon Bonaparte famous for plundering wealth?

He is also infamous for plundering wealth and building a massive personal fortune. However, every coin has two sides. Napoleon Bonaparte was the outcome of the socioeconomic and political crisis that existed in France towards the end of the eighteenth century.

What was Napoleon Bonaparte’s face like as a child?

[1] The son of General Würstemberger, who accompanied Napoleon through Switzerland after Camp Formio in 1797: “Bonaparte was rather slight and emaciated-looking; his face, too, was very thin, with a dark complexion. His profile was very prominent.