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What type of magma is explosive?

What type of magma is explosive?

Explosive Eruptions Felsic magmas erupt explosively because of hot, gas-rich magma churning within its chamber. The pressure becomes so great that the magma eventually breaks the seal and explodes, just like when a cork is released from a bottle of champagne.

What is erupted magma called?

Magma that has erupted is called lava.

What is it called when lava is shot up into the atmosphere and hardens in the atmosphere before it hits the ground?

A volcanic bomb or lava bomb is a mass of molten rock (tephra) larger than 64 mm (2.5 inches) in diameter, formed when a volcano ejects viscous fragments of lava during an eruption. They cool into solid fragments before they reach the ground.

What is it called when a volcano explodes?

In volcanology, an explosive eruption is a volcanic eruption of the most violent type. Such eruptions result when sufficient gas has dissolved under pressure within a viscous magma such that expelled lava violently froths into volcanic ash when pressure is suddenly lowered at the vent.

What kind of gases are in magma when it erupts?

This magma can push through holes or cracks in the crust, causing a volcanic eruption. When magma flows or erupts onto Earth’s surface, it is called lava. Like solid rock, magma is a mixture of minerals. It also contains small amounts of dissolved gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur.

What does magma look like on the surface of the Earth?

When magma flows onto Earth’s surface, it is called lava. Lava (magma that has erupted onto the Earth’s surface) is visually mesmerizing – as the molten rock flows downhill, lava exposed to the air cools to a deep black color, while the molten rock beneath glows bright orange.

What kind of material is ejected from a volcano?

When magma is ejected by a volcano or other vent, the material is called lava. Magma that has cooled into a solid is called igneous rock. Magma is extremely hot—between 700° and 1,300° Celsius (1,292° and 2,372° Fahrenheit).

When does magma intrude into a rock formation?

Magma can intrude into a low-density area of another geologic formation, such as a sedimentary rock structure. When it cools to solid rock, this intrusion is often called a pluton. A pluton is an intrusion of magma that wells up from below the surface.