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What are the disadvantages of the blog in the company?

What are the disadvantages of the blog in the company?

The Cons

  • A company blog is time-consuming to maintain.
  • Corporate blogging requires strong written communication skills, and you might not have the right people in positions to produce good posts.
  • Blogs are so popular that their credibility as a source of information is declining.

What are the pros and cons of blogging?

The Pros and Cons of Blogging

  • PROS.
  • Starting a blog is easy.
  • A blog gives people a reason to visit your website.
  • It can help create a sense of community.
  • A blog is a living archive of personal sources of inspiration.
  • The outreach can be incredible.
  • CONS.
  • A good blog requires regular updates.

What are the effects of blogging?

Improves Customer Relations. A company blog allows you to not only impart your expertise to the public at large, but also answer specific questions one-on-one. Allowing comments on blog posts enables your readers to ask questions and make comments, to which you can respond to encourage and build relationships.

How can blogs harm you?

As a blogger, your own personal security is at risk. Cyberbullying doesn’t just happen to kids – adult bloggers are often at risk, too. Harassment, even if it’s contained to the Internet and not “real life,” is no joke and can have serious emotional and psychological effects on the victim.

What are three disadvantages of using websites like blogs and wikis?


  • Anyone can edit so this may be too open for some applications, for example confidential documentation.
  • Open to SPAM and Vandalism if not managed properly.
  • Requires Internet connectivity to collaborate, but technologies to produce print versions of articles are improving.

How does blogging affect culture?

Especially when the majority of people at an organization actually start blogging, a culture can start to develop where people feel comfortable offering their perspectives or giving feedback. Personal blogging, in particular, also gives workers a space to express themselves.

How does blogging help society?

One of the advantages of blogs is that it allows you to build and to control your online identity. Aside from social network profiles, people who are searching for your name can find your blog or your author page on other blogs. That information will help people to get to know you better by reading your work.

Is it safe for kids to blog?

While it’s true that any online activity bears some risk, there is no reason to be alarmed. Blogging can be done safely and under the guidance of a parent or guardian.

Can a 10 year old have a blog?

The minimum age to use most blogging platforms is 13. Younger kids can still blog, but you’ll have to set up the blog and assist. 13 is simply the minimum age for your kids to set up a blog of their own, on their own.

What are the disadvantages of using websites like Wikis?

Main Disadvantages of Using a Wiki as Knowledge Base

  • The software can be too difficult for non-technical users to on-board.
  • You have a limited search function.
  • Sharing information outside your wiki is almost impossible.
  • As anyone can make changes in your content, you can’t maintain consistency in your knowledge base.

What are the impact of blogging?

Blogging is a great way to not only build on your writing skills, but also a way of getting feedback on your writing. It also gives you space to share your writings with other bloggers or regular people looking for something good to read.

Before we can talk about the pros and cons of blogging, you first need to understand what it is. Blogging is nothing more than an online journal that you update on a regular basis. The newest content is always on top, while the older content gets pushed down into your blog archives. (Wikipedia definition)

Which is worse a Dead blog or no blog?

A dead blog is worse than no blog at all. If you are going to blog on your own site or even one of the free blogging platforms it’s crucial that you have a regular posting schedule. Consistency is not only good for keeping your site looking alive but it also ensures you stay dedicated to your blog.

What’s the difference between a blog and a weblog?

Blogging is nothing more than an online journal that you update on a regular basis. The newest content is always on top, while the older content gets pushed down into your blog archives. (Wikipedia definition) This explanation of a weblog is pretty basic, but there really isn’t much to it.

How often should you write a blog post?

At the very minimum, you should be blogging once a month and preferably more frequently than that. If you don’t think you’ll be able to keep to a consistent schedule use LinkedIn posts or Facebook notes instead of your own site. It’s less noticeable when you are infrequent on those platforms.