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What will happen if a warm ocean current travels away from the equator?

What will happen if a warm ocean current travels away from the equator?

What will most likely happen if a warm ocean current travels north or south from the equator? The current will become warmer, causing it to become more dense and rise. The current will become cooler, causing it to become less dense and rise.

What currents help move warm water away from the equator?

The global conveyor belt’s circulation is the result of two simultaneous processes: warm surface currents carrying less dense water away from the Equator toward the poles, and cold deep ocean currents carrying denser water away from the poles toward the Equator.

Which ocean current transports warm water away from the Earth’s equatorial region?

the Gulf Stream
As these currents flow along the edges of continents, they affect the temperature of the coastal regions. Along the east coast of the U.S., the Gulf Stream carries warm water from the equatorial region to the North Atlantic Ocean, keeping the southeast coast relatively warm.

What will most likely happen if warm ocean currents travel north or south from the equator?

Land warms as ocean water makes direct contact with land. What will most likely happen if a warm ocean current travels north or south from the equator? The current will become warmer, causing it to become more dense and rise.

When ocean currents flow away from the Equator what type of air do they carry?

Currents flowing away from the Equator are generally warm.

What kind of water do equatorial currents carry?

equatorial countercurrent, current phenomenon noted near the equator, an eastward flow of oceanic water in opposition to and flanked by the westward equatorial currents of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.

Where do the warm currents carry the warm water give reason?

Answer: Western boundary currents are warm, deep, narrow, and fast flowing currents that form on the west side of ocean basins due to western intensification. They carry warm water from the tropics poleward.

How are the currents in the ocean set in motion?

Major surface ocean currents in the open ocean, however, are set in motion by the wind, which drags on the surface of the water as it blows. The water starts flowing in the same direction as the wind. But currents do not simply track the wind.

How does thermohaline circulation lead to deep currents?

The process that creates deep currents is called thermohaline circulation —“thermo” referring to temperature and “haline” to saltiness. It all starts with surface currents carrying warm water north from the equator. The water cools as it moves into higher northern latitudes, and the more it cools, the denser it becomes.

What kind of currents start near the equator?

Large rotating currents that start near the equator are called subtropical gyres. There are five main gyres: the North and South Pacific Subtropical Gyres, the North and South Atlantic Subtropical Gyres, and the Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre.

How does the Coriolis effect affect ocean currents?

The winds pull surface water with them, creating currents. As these currents flow westward, the Coriolis effect —a force that results from the rotation of the Earth—deflects them. The currents then bend to the right, heading north.