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What is the best antonym for juvenile?

What is the best antonym for juvenile?

antonyms for juvenile

  • experienced.
  • mature.
  • old.
  • older.
  • shrinking.
  • withering.
  • adult.
  • grown-up.

What is the same meaning of juvenile?

subadult, teenage. (or teenaged), underage.

What is the synonym and antonym for juvenile?

juvenile. Synonyms: youthful, young, infantine, boyish, girlish, early, immature, adolescent, pubescent, childish, puerile. Antonyms: mature, later, manly, womanly, elderly, aged, senile, anile, superannuated, adult.

Is Weakness an antonym for ability?

“He was determined to make it as a pianist despite his incompetence in music.”…What is the opposite of ability?

inability incapacity
unfitness weakness
lack incompetence
ineptness ineptitude
inadequacy uselessness

What is the opposite word of child?

Antonym of Child

Word Antonym
Child Grownup, Parent, Adult, Grown up
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the difference between juvenile and jail?

Unlike adult jail, where inmates can choose to sit all day or take part in the inmate worker program, those detained in the juvenile detention center are required to participate in academic education and other programs designed to give the detainees structure and continued growth throughout their time there.

How is juvenile different from crime?

Juveniles are not charged with crimes, but rather with delinquencies; they are not found guilty, but rather are adjudicated delinquent; they are not sent to prison, but to training school or reformatory.

Are there any synonyms for the word juvenile?

Juvenile: being in the early stage of life, growth, or development. Synonyms: adolescent, immature, young… Antonyms: adult, grown-up, mature… Find the right word.

What is the definition of a juvenile crime?

b : of or relating to young people who have committed or are accused of committing a criminal offense the juvenile justice system juvenile crime. 3 : reflecting psychological or intellectual immaturity : childish juvenile behavior juvenile pranks told him he was being juvenile.

What does B mean in the juvenile justice system?

b : of or relating to young people who have committed or are accused of committing a criminal offense the juvenile justice system juvenile crime.