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What are the proteins in a school?

What are the proteins in a school?

The ribosomes make the proteins. The function of the protein in a cell is to transport molecules. The proteins of the school would be the students. The students would be the proteins because that is what the school is making.

What are proteins for middle school?

protein A compound made from one or more long chains of amino acids. Proteins are an essential part of all living organisms. They form the basis of living cells, muscle and tissues; they also do the work inside of cells.

What are proteins examples?

Protein foods

  • lean meats – beef, lamb, veal, pork, kangaroo.
  • poultry – chicken, turkey, duck, emu, goose, bush birds.
  • fish and seafood – fish, prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, scallops, clams.
  • eggs.
  • dairy products – milk, yoghurt (especially Greek yoghurt), cheese (especially cottage cheese)

What are proteins 7th grade?

What are proteins? Proteins are long chains of amino acids. There are thousands of different proteins in the human body. They provide all sorts of functions to help us survive.

What is the Golgi in a school?

The Golgi apparatus acts as the transporting function in the cell. It packages proteins for transport out of the cell. A school bus/school bus stop act as the transporting function for the school. The bus transports the kids to and from school.

What are proteins for Class 6?

Proteins: Proteins are required for growth and repairing of tissues in our body. They help in building new tissues. Roughage: Dietary fibres are called roughage. They are mainly provided by plant products in our food.

What are proteins Class 12?

Proteins are high molecular mass complex biopolymers made up of smaller units called amino acids. All proteins contains C, H, O, N and S. Some of these also contain phosphorus, iodine and traces of metals like Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn. All proteins on hydrolysis first give polypeptides and finally give amino acids.

How are ribosomes the School of the cell?

Ribosomes produce proteins for the cell. Students produce events and beneficial activities for the school. Therefore metaphorically appearing to be ribosomes. Producing good or ‘Proteins’ for the cell or school.

How can you learn about protein in food?

You can learn about protein in foods by reading food labels or by doing research on foods. Different parts of your body are built from protein. Protein is a necessary part of your diet and helps you to walk, run, play, and move.

What do you need to know about the protein package?

It’s All About the Protein “Package” When we eat foods for protein, we also eat everything that comes alongside it: the different fats, fiber, sodium, and more. It’s this protein “package” that’s likely to make a difference for health.

Which is an example of the primary structure of a protein?

Primary Structure The simplest level of protein structure, primary structure is simply the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. The hormone insulin has two polypeptide chains A, and B. The sequence of the A chain, and the sequence of the B chain can be considered as an example for primary structure.