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How do you count to 3 in Arabic?

How do you count to 3 in Arabic?

1 Part 1 of 3: Counting to 10 in Modern Standard Arabic

  1. One is wahid (waah-heet) (واحد).
  2. Two is itnan (ihth-naan) (إثنان).
  3. Three is talata (theh-lah-theh) (ثلاثة).
  4. Four is arba’a (ahr-uh-bah-ah) (أربع).
  5. Five is hamsa (hahm-sah) (خمسة). Note that the h has a guttural pronunciation.

How do you say 66 in Urdu?

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply….Cardinal Numbers.

Number Urdu English
66 چھیاسٹھ sixty-six
67 سڑسٹھ sixty-seven
68 اٹھسٹھ sixty-eight
69 انہتر sixty-nine

What are the Arabic numbers 1-20 in Arabic?

Arabic Numbers 1 – 20 Number Numeral Arabic Romanized 1 ١ وَاحِد wahid 2 ٢ اِ ْنَان ithnan 3 ٣ َلَا َة thalathah 4 ٤ أَرْبَعَة arbaʿa

What are the rules for Arabic numbers 13 to 19?

For numbers, 13-19 the rules are as follows: 1. The second element (عَشر or عَشرة) agrees with the counted noun in gender. 2. The first element (ثلاثة, اربعة… etc.) shows the reverse agreement that we saw for the numbers 3-10. 3. Both elements of the number are always accusative without nunation.

What are the cardinal numerals in Arabic?

Arabic numbers Numeral Numeral Cardinal Ordinal 5 ٥ ( amsa) خمسة (al amsu) الْخامِسُ 6 ٦ (sitta) ستة (alsadsu) السّادِسُ 7 ٧ (sab’a) سبعة (alsab’eu) السابعُ 8 ٨ (ṯamāniya) مانية (alṯamnu) ال ّامِنُ

Which is the last word in Arabic numbers?

In the first example, اربعة was the last word. Since 3-9 are always in an idaafa construction, show reverse agreement, and are followed by the plural noun. The word ولد is made plural and is in the genitive. And the number اربعة is feminine. In the second example, the word “fifty” is the last numeral.