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Can I retract my witness statement UK?

Can I retract my witness statement UK?

If you’re a victim or prosecution witness, you can ask the Crown Prosecution Service ( CPS ) to see your statement again before you go to court to refresh your memory. You can add things to your statement if you remember them later on, but you cannot withdraw it.

Can a witness statement be changed?

Content of Witness Statements The Statement of Best Practice provides that a witness statement should be prepared in a way that avoids any alteration or influence on the recollection of the witness.

Does retracting police statement come with consequence?

Alex Watts : You can not retract because the statement is true. A retraction is where you say you made everything up. What you can do is provide a statement saying that you no longer support the prosecution. However in domestic violence cases the matter will still proceed – very rarely do the Police drop a case.

Can you retract a statement?

A statement is just evidence like any other. It does not have to be in written form. Even a oral declaration to a police officer is evidence. Once evidence is obtained by the Crown you cannot withdraw it from them.

Can I withdraw a statement made to the police UK?

Retract a witness statement If you have given a statement to the police but now wish to retract it, you should contact a solicitor as soon as possible. A retraction statement can be given indicating your unwillingness to attend Court and give evidence.

What happens if I withdraw my statement?

If you withdraw your statement, the case might still go to court if the police think they have enough evidence to prosecute the suspect. If you want to withdraw your statement because you’re worried about giving evidence, you should tell the police how you feel.

Can I withdraw a statement?

What to do if you want to withdraw your witness statement?

If you want to withdraw your statement because you’re worried about giving evidence, you should tell the police how you feel. You might be able to get extra help in court – check if you can get extra help. Get free help and support before, during and after the trial from the Citizens Advice Witness Service.

Can you withdraw a statement in a domestic violence case?

Yes you can withdraw a statement. Happens all the time, particularly in domestic violence cases. Just telephone the Police Assistance Desk (not 999) and give them the brief details of the case and the investigating officer’s PIN number (you’ll find this on your copy of the statement).

Can a police officer withdraw a false statement?

But it is not necessarily that simple. While it is possible to alter or withdraw a statement at the officer in charge’s discretion, it is a serious crime to give false statements to police.

What happens when you give a witness statement?

The police will ask you to explain what you saw, either in writing or on video – this is your witness statement. They’ll ask you to sign it to say it’s true. People involved with the case – for example lawyers or the judge, will read or watch your witness statement.