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Where is the Bengal tiger in the food chain?

Where is the Bengal tiger in the food chain?

Positive Predators – Because these tigers are at the top of the food chain, they are very important for the ecosystem around them. This creates a trophic cascade, where the top animal impacts all the other animals in the food web.

What level of a tiger is on the food chain?

Tiger/Trophic level

Is tiger a top level consumer in food chain?

Complete answer: The Tigers are animals that feed on herbivores or primary consumers, so tigers are considered as secondary consumers and placed in the 3rd trophic level of the food chain pyramid. So level 5 organisms have come on top of the food chain as there are no predators for themselves.

What role does a tiger play in the food chain?

The tiger is a unique animal which plays a pivotal role in the health and diversity of an ecosystem. It is a top predator which is at the apex of the food chain and keeps the population of wild ungulates in check, thereby maintaining the balance between prey herbivores and the vegetation upon which they feed.

What trophic level are tigers?

What is a Bengal tigers food chain?

Bengal tigers are fierce predators and eat many grazing primary consumers, such as Indian bison and sambar, a large deer species native to India. However, as a tertiary consumer, they also eat secondary consumers like the wild boar. The wild boar in turn eats herbivores like small lizards, rodents, fish, and insects.

What roles do tigers play?

As apex predators, tigers play an important role in maintaining a balanced food web in their ecosystems. In the absence of their natural predators, prey species populations can explode, leading to overconsumption of vegetation, damaging habitats or prey species expanding into human settlements.

Is a Bengal tiger a tertiary consumer?

Bengal tigers are fierce predators and eat many grazing primary consumers, such as Indian bison and sambar, a large deer species native to India. However, as a tertiary consumer, they also eat secondary consumers like the wild boar.

Where does a tiger rank in the food chain?

Tiger in food chain. by Anonymous | 29 comments. In the forest ecosystem tiger sits at the top of the food chain as a tertiary carnivore and primary predator. Along with other major carnivores as leopard it acts as a control mechanism for herbivores or consumers.

What kind of food does a Bengal tiger eat?

Bengal tigers are at the top of the food chain. They have no natural predator, and hunt primary or secondary consumers. Their preferred food is ungulates- hoofed animals like deer and wild boar- but they will eat many large mammals or birds.

What is the trophic pyramid of the white Bengal tiger?

The Trophic Pyramid of the White Bengal Tiger is showing you what are the primary consumers, primary Carnivores, Secondary Carnivores and the Tertiary Carnivores . The first trophic level would be plants such as a cranberry bush which would be 100 %.

What does the white Bengal tiger food web show?

As you can see the white Bengal Tiger food web is showing what animals eat and what eats them. It starts off with the producers which are the Bengal Bamboos, Durian Fruits, and Rain forest Leaves. The arrows show what eats these producers.