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What is the factors of runoff?

What is the factors of runoff?

Temperature, wind speed, and humidity are the major meteorological factors, which affect runoff. Temperature, wind speed and humidity affect evaporation and transpiration rates, thus soil moisture regime and infiltration rate, and finally runoff volume.

What are the 3 types of runoff?

There are three major types of runoff depending on the source: surface flow, interflow, and base flow. These were discussed in Module 101 and are expanded upon here. Surface flow is water that has remained on the surface and moves as overland or channel flow.

What are the four components of runoff?


  • Direct rainfall over the stream:-
  • Surface runoff or overland flow: –
  • Subsurface flow or interflow:–
  • Base flow, groundwater flow or Dry weather flow:-

What is the main source of runoff?

Runoff can come from both natural processes and human activity. The most familiar type of natural runoff is snowmelt. Mountains that cannot absorb water from heavy snowfalls produce runoff that turns into streams, rivers, and lakes. Glaciers, snow, and rain all contribute to this natural runoff.

What five factors determine the amount of runoff in an area?

What five factors determine the amount of runoff in an area?

  • The amount of rain an area receives.
  • Vegetation – Deserts have a lot of runoff because there is very few plants to protect the soil.
  • The type of soil (some types of soil absorb more water than others.
  • The shape of the land.
  • How people use the land.

What are the 2 types of runoff?

Types of Runoff:

  • Surface Runoff: It is that portion of rainfall, which enters the stream immediately after the rainfall.
  • Sub-Surface Runoff: ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • Base Flow:

What are two types of runoff?

What are the main factors that cause runoff?

1. Precipitation characteristics, 2. Shape and size of the catchment, 3. Topography, 4. Geological characteristics, 5. Meteorological characteristics, 6. Character of the catchment surface, 7. Storage characteristics. f1. Precipitation characteristics duration, which causes precipitation. Runoff depends on the intensity of rainfall.

How are land use and runoff related to each other?

Initially, agricultural land use can have the same impact as vegetation cover, in that crops can intercept precipitation and reduce runoff. However, intensive agriculture where irrigation may be used, can cause waterlogged soils and therefore lead to runoff.

Why does runoff occur in V shaped valleys?

In “v” shaped valleys on steep slopes, runoff will increase due to gravity. On flatter surfaces runoff is less likely to happen as water will be able to infiltrate into the soil more easily.

How does the slope of the channel affect runoff?

The slope of the channel and so on of the catchment thus definitely influences. Factor # 3. Geographical Conditions: The nature of the soil, its permeability, has an effect on the infiltration rate and has indirect effect on the runoff. Impervious tock outcrops will increase the runoff.