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What is a snails tentacle?

What is a snails tentacle?

Slugs and snails have two pairs of retractable tentacles on their head. The upper, optic tentacles, have light-sensitive eyespots on the ends. Each eye-stalk can move independently and can be re-grown if lost. The eye-stalks are also used for smell.

What is the main function of snail?

With regard to ecosystem function, shelled land snails (as opposed to slugs) are important in calcium cycling. They glean calcium from their food, concentrate it in their shells that are made mainly from calcium carbonate, and pass it up the food chain as they are consumed by Predators.

Do snail have muscles?

Land snails have a coiled shell to which their body is attached by a strong muscle. Different species of snails have different numbers of whorls. The snail moves about by means of a large, muscular structure called a foot. Waves of muscular contractions and expansions enable the snail to move forward.

Does snail have exoskeleton?

Such animals as clams, oysters, mussels, and snails have a type of exoskeleton called a shell. Shells are made of a substance called calcium carbonate. Animals with shells do not molt.

Can a snail survive without a shell?

A snail cannot live without its shell just as a human cannot live without bones. The shell provides protection and structure to the snail and if you tried to pull a live snail out of it you’d probably only manage to get part of it out, as they’re basically glued to the shell.

How do snails navigate?

A snail uses its single long, muscular foot to crawl on a layer of mucus-like slime that it secretes. These waves of muscle contraction and relaxation travel along the central portion of the foot from tail to head. The waves move much faster than the snail itself, and generate enough force to push the snail forward.

Why do tentacles stick out of the head of a snail?

The tentacles that stick out from the head of a snail are not its “feelers” as most people believe. On the ends of those tentacles are the snail’s eyes. Land snails have two sets of tentacles that stick out, the longer set of tentacles are the ones that have the snail’s eyes. This way they can move their tentacles around to get the best view.

Which is the only gastropod that has tentacles?

In gastropods, on the other side, tentacles are a part of the basic construction plan. So all gastropods possess tentacles, but they have evolved to very different forms. Two pairs of tentacles, as we know them from the Roman snail, only terrestrial pulmonate snails (Stylommatophora) have, the Roman snail being one of them.

What kind of anatomy does a land snail have?

External anatomy. The lower pair works as olfactory organs to smell. It also has an outer skin fold of tissue, which covers the internal organs and also usually covers the shell and the mantle cavity. You may not always see their tentacles because all land snails have the ability to retract them.

How does the sense of sight of a snail work?

(1) The sense of sight of snails is useful but only detect changes in the intensity of light to recognize whether it is night or day; They can move their tentacles up or down to improve their ability to see. However, they are practically deaf since they have no ears nor ear canal.