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What is the answer to the riddle if yesterday was tomorrow today would be Saturday?

What is the answer to the riddle if yesterday was tomorrow today would be Saturday?

Tomorrow is Friday. If yesterday had been tomorrow (Friday) then today would be Saturday.

When tomorrow is yesterday today will be as near to Sunday as today was when yesterday was tomorrow what day is it?

Answer: Saturday will be tomorrow for Friday and yesterday for Sunday.

Where does today come from yesterday?

Explanation: Well the logic used to solve this riddle is that in the dictionary words or letters are organised Alphabetically and hence Today comes before Yesterday because in the alphabet order or alphabetically the Letter T comes before the Letter Y. Hope the explanation helps!

Which day occurs before Sunday?

Starts Monday or Sunday According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. It is followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the 7th and last day of the week.

Which day comes a day before Sunday?

Poroper Nouns – Days of the Week

Question Answer
4. What day comes before Sunday? Saturday
5. What day comes after Sunday? Monday
6. What day comes before Friday? Thursday
7. What day comes after Saturday? Sunday

What is the difference between yesterday and tomorrow riddle?

It’s Sunday! The day after tomorrow becomes yesterday on Wednesday. The day before yesterday was tomorrow, Thursday.

What is the meaning of yesterday and tomorrow?

Yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after, … are terms used so commonly during daily conversation that they are imperative to communication, especially if you are traveling in a new country and want to convey details about when you arrived, what you plan to do today, or where you will be headed tomorrow.

What happens when you say you wish Yesterday Was Tomorrow?

Because you wish yesterday was tomorrow. iT DOEST change the fact that today is today. Because you said yesterday your moving backwards, but when you said tomorrow your talking about the future.

What does the Riddle I wish Yesterday had been Tomorrow mean?

The speaker in the riddle may mean “I wish yesterday were tomorrow” or “I wish yesterday had been tomorrow”, etc. So: I wish yesterday (Wednesday) had been what tomorrow (Friday) will be = today is Thursday. I wish yesterday had been Thursday so tomorrow would be Friday = today is any day!

Is the Yesterday of Friday also a Saturday?

The tomorrow of Friday is Saturday, and the yesterday of Sunday is also Saturday, it works. we are checking to see if my answer is right; so for all intents and purposes here,

What does it mean if someone says Yesterday was?

It depends. The grammar is intentionally misleading; “yesterday was” is generally considered incorrect, but is still something people say. The speaker in the riddle may mean “I wish yesterday were tomorrow” or “I wish yesterday had been tomorrow”, etc. So: