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What attracts termites in the house?

What attracts termites in the house?

In addition to wood inside the home, termites are drawn inside by moisture, wood in contact with house foundations, and cracks in building exteriors. Different combinations of these factors attract different species. Additionally, geographic location plays a role in how likely homeowners are to deal with infestations.

How was termite created?

A termite colony is usually started by a male and a female. They reside in a safe cavern, known as the royal chamber, that lies a couple of feet underground and the female termite’s only responsibility is to only lay eggs. All other termites in the colony, then, are their offsprings.

What time of day do termites come out?

Subterranean termites swarm during the day, particularly after rainfall. They’re most active in the spring. Invasive Formosan termites swarm at night and are generally at their peak in the late spring and summer. Drywood termites are also active at night, especially around lights.

How long does a termite live?

Lifespan. Workers and soldiers live approximately one to two years. Queen termites may survive for over a decade under optimal climate conditions.

Will termites go away on their own?

Termites will not go away on their own. Termites consume wood for sustenance. When they find a way into your home, they won’t go away on their own. They will feed for years and years if they are allowed to.

Where are termites most common in the US?

With numerous termite species inhabiting and affecting the Texas region, there are 3 more common types of termites that you should be aware of: The Desert Dampwood Termite The Western Drywood Termite The Subterranean Termite

What is the first sign of termites?

The first sign of a termite infestation will be the appearance of swarmers. Swarmers are king and queen termites that are produced by a mature colony for the purposes of creating a new nest.

Where do termites live in the world?

Known as one of the most successful groups of insects on Earth, termites have inhabited all land masses on the planet except for Antarctica . There are over 3,000 different species of termites in the world; however, only about 50 species are commonly found in North America .

Where do most invasive termites originate?

Most of these invasive species originated from south and southeast Asia. Seven of the twenty eight invasive species active today are native to Asia. However, Asia is not the only source of troublesome termites as six invasive termites also originated from South America.