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What is the Spanish word for the number 12?

What is the Spanish word for the number 12?

Spanish numbers 11-20

Numeral In Spanish Pronunciation
11 once on-say
12 doce doh-say
13 trece trey-say
14 catorce ka-tohr-say

What does Oct mean in Spanish?


Principal Translations
Inglés Español
oct, octa, octo prefix (eight) oct prefijo
For example: octameter, octette

What language is fecha y hora?

fecha y hora – translated from Spanish to English.

How do you say the student of the month in Spanish?

The Board Of Education (BOE) recognized the Rotary Club Of Roselle-Roselle Park Students Of The Month from Roselle Park High School (RPHS) for the first three months of the school year….

student el/la estudiante
the el la
month el mes

What is Quince number?

quince is 15 in spanish.

How do you say the date in Spanish?

To say the date in Spanish, you first say the number corresponding to that day’s date, then the month and the year. You’ve also got to throw an el and some des in there. Let’s take a look at the formula for saying dates. el + day + de + month (+ de + year) Note: When giving the date for the current year, the year is often omitted.

What does three twelfths of a word mean in Spanish?

Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). Three twelfths is equal to one fourth.Tres doceavos es igual a un cuarto. (f) means that a noun is feminine.

How to say El day de month in Spanish?

Formula for Saying the Date in Spanish. el + day + de + month (+ de + year) Note: When giving the date for the current year, the year is often omitted. You can also use del instead of de when giving the year.

How do you write December 31 in Spanish?

This means that, in short form, December 31, 2017 is written 31/12/2017. But what about writing dates in long form? Fortunately, this isn’t too complicated. Spanish uses the preposition “de” between the day and the month and “del” (a combination of “de” and the article “el”) to join the month and the year.