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Why is my coolant level keep dropping?

Why is my coolant level keep dropping?

If your car’s coolant level is dropping, it is almost always due to leaks in the cooling system – the hoses, radiator or radiator cap, for example. Symptoms of this can be a rising temperature gauge, a sweet odour (the smell of antifreeze), problems with your car’s heater or increased fuel consumption.

What causes repeated head gasket failure?

Head gasket failures are usually caused by repeated overheating, or continuing to drive after the car has overheated, so the best way to prevent a head gasket failure is to ensure your cooling system is in good condition.

Why do I have to keep adding coolant to my car?

Antifreeze leaks can be caused by a variety of things but the two most common factors are age and dirty coolant. Dirt or oil in your coolant can accelerate wear in your system, leading to leaks in your water pumps, at gaskets, or at o-rings. Flushing your cooling system is the best way to stop this type of leak.

Can I add coolant directly to the radiator?

If your reservoir is empty, you can put coolant in the radiator directly. When the radiator is full, top it off from the reservoir. Do not add coolant to the radiator if the reservoir is only low. When putting coolant/antifreeze, fill the reservoir up to the full line.

Why do I keep losing coolant but no leaks?

When you are losing coolant but no leak is visible, several parts could be the guilty party. It could be a blown head gasket, a fractured cylinder head, Damaged cylinder bores, or a manifold leak. It could also be a hydraulic lock.

Can intake manifold leak cause rough idle?

Generally a really bad intake manifold gasket will make a car run rough at idle and/or cause a service engine light to illuminate. As far as driving the car, as long as you don’t have a fluid leak or the car is not stalling or running rough, it should be fine to drive for a few months.