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What is the range in temperature of a cool star and a hot star?

What is the range in temperature of a cool star and a hot star?

Hot stars have temperatures around 60,000 K while cold stars have temperatures around 3,000 K.

What are stars temperature measured in?

Where the temperature will be in units of Kelvin degrees, and the wavelength will be in units of nanometers. Careful measurements of a star’s light spectrum gives astronomers clues about its temperature.

What temperature is a blue star?

The hottest stars are blue, with their surface temperatures falling anywhere between 10,000 K and 50,000 K.

How the spectra can be used to determine the speed of stars?

When we measure the spectrum of a star, we determine the wavelength of each of its lines. The greater the shift, the faster the star is moving. Such motion, along the line of sight between the star and the observer, is called radial velocity and is usually measured in kilometers per second.

Is a white star hotter than a yellow star?

White stars are hotter than red and yellow. Blue stars are the hottest stars of all. Most stars are so much farther from us that they are not as bright as the sun. Many stars are bigger and hotter than the sun.

Why stars have different temperatures?

The other major factor effecting a star’s color is its temperature. As stars increase in heat, the overall radiated energy increases, and the peak of the curve moves to shorter wavelengths. In other words, as a star becomes hotter, the light it emits is pushed further and further towards the blue end of the spectrum.

What do the spectra from stars tell us about the stars?

From spectral lines astronomers can determine not only the element, but the temperature and density of that element in the star. The spectral line also can tell us about any magnetic field of the star. The width of the line can tell us how fast the material is moving.

How do scientists find the temperature of a star?

We measure the color of a star by an instrument called photoelectric photometer. This involves passing the light through different filters and finding the amount that passes through each filter. The measurements from the photometer are converted to temperature, using standard scales.

Are all red stars old?

As stars age, they run out of hydrogen to burn, decreasing the amount of energy they emit. Thus, younger stars can appear bluer while older ones appear more red, and in this way, a star’s color can tell us something about that star’s age.

How can we calculate the temperature of the stars?

The same is true for stars. A blue or white star is hotter than a yellow star, which is hotter than a red star. So, if you look at the strongest color or wavelength of light emitted by the star, then you can calculate its temperature (temperature in degrees Kelvin = 3 x 106/ wavelength in nanometers).

What can the temperature of a star tell us?

The star color index is a very popular method of estimating the surface temperature of stars. Some massive stars can be as hot as 50,000 kelvins on the surface, where small stars, the Sun for example, might only measure at the scale of 1000s of kelvins.

What is used to determine the temperature of a star?

The spectroscope is used to measure temperature of stars. The color also help to determine temperature. Stars are classified by their spectra (the elements that they absorb) and their temperature. There are seven main types of stars. In order of decreasing temperature, O, B, A, F, G, K, and M.

What do scientists use to determine a star’s temperature?

Another method to measure the temperature of stars is by analyzing their color. Although all stars appear white, they have different colors when carefully viewed. The variations are a result of their temperature. The cold stars appear red, and hot ones are blue. We measure the color of a star by an instrument called photoelectric photometer.