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Why am I having an affair with a married man?

Why am I having an affair with a married man?

Sometimes what causes a married man to have an affair is a need for emotional fulfillment. He may have grown apart from his wife over the years and wants to find someone who understands him. If he also understands you as well, the satisfaction this brings will often be more fulfilling than sex.

Is it OK to have an affair with a married man?

In most cases, an affair for a man has nothing to do with loving or not loving their spouse. It is just about trying to recapture that feeling of romance and passionate sex. So an affair with a married man might be because of his selfish interest which could mean a lot of unnecessary complications for you.

How long does an affair with a married man last?

As if a “moment of indiscretion” or “lapse in judgment” isn’t bad enough, long-term infidelity is a scourge that can’t be ignored. While about 50% of affairs last between one month and one year, the long-term affair lasts 15 months or more. About 30% of affairs last two years or more.

Can a married man be friends with a single woman?

There have been many instances where married men become friends with women, regardless of their status. Just as long as they are in a platonic relationship, there seem to have no complications or problems that arise. Friendships should be available for any two individuals, man or woman.

Am I committing adultery if I sleep with a married man?

If you engage in a sexual relationship with someone while you are still legally married, it is technically adultery even if you and your former partner do not live together anymore and are no longer emotionally or physically in a relationship.

Can an extramarital affair be true love?

Lifelong extramarital affairs are rare but they have always existed. Some affairs come out in the open and some don’t. Sometimes these affairs happen when both parties are married and when affairs turn into love it takes a completely different turn.

Is a married man in love with you?

The fact that a married man has fallen in love with you becomes apparent when he does everything in his power to help you when you are facing a problem. He might be helping you because he is friendly, but if he is always there by your side, then it means he deeply cares about you.

Is it possible for a married man to be in love with another woman?

What happens when a married man falls in love with another woman? There’s no single outcome. When a married man falls in love with another woman, it usually means that something’s not right in their marriage. He may have simply grown apart from his wife, or they may just be going through a rough period.

How do I end an affair with a married man?

Here’s how to end an affair with a married man​ for good and reclaim your life.

  1. Start dating other people. One option is to fall in love with another man, preferably a single and available one.
  2. Ask him for financial assistance.
  3. Spend more time with him.
  4. Be your true self.
  5. Love yourself instead.

How do you know a married man is in love with you?

12 Signs A Married Man Is Falling In Love With You

  • He compliments you out of the blue.
  • He loves talking to you.
  • He tries to keep tabs on your love life.
  • He shares details about his married life or refrains from doing so.
  • He goes out of his way to help you.
  • He tries to highlight the similarities between the two of you.

Is it OK for a married man to text another woman?

For people who ask is texting cheating, the truth is it is not. Your husband has the right to text another woman, provided he is not cheating on you. If he has a female friend, he can text her when he wants, but he needs to ensure it doesn’t affect the personal time he is spending with you.