Is it true that perpendicular lines? Explanation: The TRUE statement: “The lines intersect and are perpendicular.” This is true because the slopes of the two…
What is an interesting fact about Christina Milian? Christina Milian is a singer, actress, and businesswoman. Outside of the entertainment sphere, the 38-year-old raises her…
Is underage drinking a misdemeanor WI? A Minor in Possession (MIP) charge is a criminal act that involves the control or consumption of alcohol by…
Can humans hear 25000 Hz? The human ear can hear the sound between frequencies of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Thus, audible range or range…
How do you say sorry when you forget something? John: For example, “I forgot that I shouldn’t call him before ten a.m,” or “I forgot…
Which file system does Windows 9x me typically use? IFSHLP.SYS Like Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows 9x provides support for 32-bit file access based on…
What is the difference between trading and manufacturing business activities? In manufacturing business you have to manufactured products for your client and in trading business…
Is bear a herbivore or omnivore? Bears are generally omnivorous, but dietary preferences range from seals for the entirely carnivorous polar bear to assorted vegetation…
What impact did the Columbian Exchange have on Europe? The Columbian Exchange caused population growth in Europe by bringing new crops from the Americas and…
Is barangay considered as community? In pre-Hjspanic times, a barangay was a sailboat which carried early settlers and traders to the Philippine archipelago from Indonesia…
Which is the first government bank in India? The first bank established in India was the Bank of Hindustan, which was started in 1770. The…