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Did Hernando de Soto have a positive or negative impact?

Did Hernando de Soto have a positive or negative impact?

With the passage of time, de Soto’s expedition has also become associated with the destruction of Native American groups in North America as a consequence of European contact. Despite these negative points, de Soto proved himself as a brave and ruthless conquistador.

What kind of person was Hernando de Soto?

Hernando de Soto is more known for being a conquistador. He helped conquer many lands in parts of Central and South America, including those of the Inca Empire. But he was also an explorer. De Soto explored and mapped parts of nine states in the southeastern part of the United States.

What did Hernando de Soto believe?

Seeking greater glory and riches, de Soto embarked on a major expedition in 1538 to conquer Florida for the Spanish crown. He and his men traveled nearly 4,000 miles throughout the region that would become the southeastern United States in search of riches, fighting off Native American attacks along the way.

What good things did Hernando de Soto do?

Hernando de Soto was a Spanish explorer and conquistador who participated in the conquests of Central America and Peru and discovered the Mississippi River.

What negative impact did Hernando de Soto have on Native Americans?

However, the most significant impact on the native population from de Soto proved to be disease. The native tribes, having never made contact with Europeans, did not have any form of immunity to European diseases. The most detrimental of the illnesses they acquired turned out to be smallpox.

What problems did Hernando de Soto face?

Hernando de Soto faced many challenges during his expedition. For example, when crossing the Withlacoochee River de Soto and his crew were battled against the strong tide of the river. He also crossed the Aucilla River with some troubles there too. Their crops were ruined and were no longer able to be used.

Who was Hernando de Soto and what did he do?

Hernando de Soto. Contents. The 16th-century Spanish explorer and conquistador Hernando de Soto (c. 1496-1542) arrived in the West Indies as a young man and went on to make a fortune in the Central American slave trade.

What did Pizarro and De Soto do to the natives?

More often than not, these encounters resulted in hostility and outright slaughter, as de Soto’s campaign followed the model established by his predecessors, Pizarro and Cortés, taking advantage of the Spaniards’ advanced weaponry, tactics, and armored cavalry to combat native resistance and brand himself as a sort of living god.

Where did Hernando de Soto find Casqui artifacts?

Many archaeologists believe the Parkin Site in northeast Arkansas was the main town for the indigenous province of Casqui, which de Soto had recorded. They base this on similarities between descriptions from the journals of the de Soto expedition and artifacts of European origin discovered at the site in the 1960s.

When did Hernando de Soto cross the Mississippi River?

In mid-1541, the Spaniards sighted the Mississippi River. They crossed it and headed into Arkansas and Louisiana, but early in 1542 turned back to the Mississippi. Soon after, De Soto took ill with a fever. After his death on May 21, 1542 his comrades buried his body in the great river.