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How do I find my platoon number Army?

How do I find my platoon number Army?

Their platoon number is the first number of their roster number. So, if the roster number is 101-165, they’re in 1st platoon. If it’s 201-265, they’re in 2nd platoon. 301-365 is 3rd platoon, and 401-465 is 4th platoon.

What is the platoon number?

A battalion is identified by number, 1-4. Each company is identified by a letter in alphabetical order. The platoon is identified by a four-digit number, with the first number indicating which battalion they are from.

How do I write a letter to the military?

How to Write Your First Letter

  1. Keep things light.
  2. Share things about yourself like hobbies or interests.
  3. Write about your life but keep it positive.
  4. Thank them for their service.
  5. If you have connections in the military, mention that.
  6. Be positive.
  7. Stay away from political or polarizing topics.

Can I send a letter without platoon number?

The address for each company is public knowledge, but mailing a letter without a platoon number causes big delays. The amount of time it takes the letter to reach you will, of course, vary based on locations and postal facilities. It will arrive via standard US Mail.

How do I know my platoon?

The last digit in your NYSC state code (not call-up number) is your platoon, e.g a CM with state code 001, will be in platoon ONE and so on.

How many soldiers are in a platoon?

Three or four squads make up a platoon, which has 20 to 50 soldiers and is commanded by a lieutenant. Two or more platoons make up a company, which has 100 to 250 soldiers and is commanded by a captain or a major.

How do you address a letter to Army basic training?

When it’s time to mail your letter, an envelope heading to Fort Benning should read something like this:

  1. Soldier’s Rank, Full Name, Roster #
  2. __ Company, __ IN REGT.
  3. Street Address.
  4. Fort Benning, GA 31905.

Where do I send letters to soldiers?

8 Websites Where You Can Write to Soldiers

  • Any Soldier. Any Soldier is one of the first resources you should check out for writing letters to soldiers.
  • Operation Gratitude.
  • Forgotten Soldiers Outreach.
  • Sandboxx.
  • Soldiers’ Angels.

How do I find someones army number?

Army numbers are usually recorded on official documents issued during a soldier’s service. A surviving document which is often found within the family is an Army Book 64 Soldier’s Service and Pay Book and an example is shown below.