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How do you say someones age?

How do you say someones age?

The most common ways of asking someone’s age is English is: How old are you? Or How old is your brother/sister?

  1. I am 25 years old.
  2. I am 25.
  3. I am 25 years of age (this is a very formal way of expressing age)
  4. I am 25 years. (
  5. My fried has two sons aged 8 and 10. (
  6. My friend has a daughter aged 5. (

How do you indirectly ask someone’s age?

Here are 15 ways to find out how old your date really is without actually asking:

  1. Stalk him on social media. Social media is always a go-to.
  2. Ask mutual friends.
  3. Check LinkedIn.
  4. Google him.
  5. Search public records and data.
  6. Analyze his name.
  7. Bring up technology.
  8. Discuss school memories.

When you want to find out the name of a person of your age what do you say in French?

This video will teach you how to say “what is your name” and “my name is” in French. To ask someone their name, a stranger or someone older than you, ask, “Comment vous appelez-vous?”. When asking someone your own age, it’s “Comment tu t’appelles?” To answer, say “Je m’appelle” + Your Name.

How do you say someone older than you?

Again, if you’re ever unsure of how to refer to someone older than you—including a family friend—you can default to “sir” or “ma’am.”

How do you politely ask for age?

When asking about someone’s age, it’s better to avoid the direct question, How old are you? Instead, you can politely ask: Do you mind if I ask how old you are?

How do you ask a girl’s age?

Lol it’s as easy as it sounds.

  1. How old are you?
  2. I guess i am older than you.
  3. Are you 1998 born? (
  4. Whom will you vote in 2019? ( she says modi) oh so you’ll be over 18 by then.
  5. Suppose you found a suitcase full of teddy bears.
  6. Tell me your age and i’ll tell you my salary. (

What is the meaning of Quel age as TU in English?

How old are you
How old are you?

When do you use age as a noun?

from English Grammar Today We use age as a noun to refer to how many years someone has lived: She looks a lot younger but she is actually the same age as me. At the age of … is a common expression:

What’s the most common way to ask someone their age?

The most common ways of asking someone’s age is English is: How old are you? Or How old is your brother/sister? I am 25 years old. I am 25.

How to express the age of things in English?

Age of things: we can express the age of things in the following ways. At times, you may not want to reveal your real age. So, you may use certain words that would state an approximate age. He is in his early/mid/late twenties. Most students in my class are above/below the age of twenty. He must be under 18.

When to use ” someone else’s ” and ” their “?

Right: “Someone else’s” is a possessive. “Attorneys general” is a plural. Never mind. is confusing. does THEIR mean the person named (if so use singular her or his) or does it mean the group of other posters? Contrary to common belief, the words “they” and “their” have been used as indeterminate singular pronouns for centuries in English.