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How many square feet is 1 cubic feet?

How many square feet is 1 cubic feet?

Square feet = cubic feet ÷ depth. So: 5 ÷ 0.25 = 20. We have our total: 20 square feet.

How many square feet will a bag of peat moss cover?

One cubic foot bale of peat moss covers 24 square feet of garden at a depth of one inch. A 2.2 cubic foot bale covers 50 square feet one inch deep.

How many square feet will 3.8 cubic feet of peat moss cover?

One 3.8 cubic foot bale of peat moss will provide 1 inch of peat moss over a 90 square-foot area.

What does peat moss do for your lawn?

Peat moss is organic matter that improves the germination rate of grass seed when you incorporate it into your soil. Peat moss holds water and nutrients needed for growth in light sandy soils. Adding organic matter to your lawn before planting grass makes the soil easier to work into a light seeding bed for a new lawn.

How big is a 3 cubic box?

18” x 18” x 18”
The dimensions of a 3 cubic ft box are 18” x 18” x 18”. This is used as a general all purpose box to pack up most of your items. Avoid placing very heavy items such as books or very lightweight items such as linens as there are other boxes available that are more suitable for these types of things.

How big is one cubic foot in ft?

ENDMEMO 1 cubic feet = 1 ft 2 1 ft 2 = 1 cubic feet 2 cubic feet = 1.5874 ft 2 2 ft 2 = 2.8284 cubic feet 3 cubic feet = 2.0801 ft 2 3 ft 2 = 5.1962 cubic feet 4 cubic feet = 2.5198 ft 2 4 ft 2 = 8 cubic feet 5 cubic feet = 2.924 ft 2 5 ft 2 = 11.1803 cubic feet

How to convert 5 cubic feet to 5 square feet?

5 cubic feet. To convert cubic feet to square feet we divide our cubic feet figure by one of the dimensions – commonly the height. To make this calculation work, your height figure needs to be in feet.

How to calculate the square footage of a garden?

Determine the square footage of your garden area by multiplying the length by the width in feet. For example, if the length is 40 feet and the width is 60 feet, the total square footage of the garden is 2,400 square feet.