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How many Superfund sites are on the NPL?

How many Superfund sites are on the NPL?

1344 Superfund sites
The NPL guides the EPA in “determining which sites warrant further investigation” for environmental remediation. As of June 12, 2019, there were 1344 Superfund sites on the National Priorities List in the United States.

How many NPL Superfund sites are in CA?

The states with the most Superfund sites were New Jersey (113 sites), California (97 sites) and Pennsylvania (95 sites). The states with the fewest Superfund sites were North Dakota (no sites), Nevada (one site) and South Dakota (two sites).

How does a contaminated site become listed on the NPL?

Sites are listed on the National Priorities List (NPL) upon completion of Hazard Ranking System (HRS) screening, public solicitation of comments about the proposed site, and after all comments have been addressed.

How many Superfund sites are in the US 2020?

1,300 Superfund sites
As of 2020, there were more than 1,300 Superfund sites on the National Priorities List (NPL).

Are all Superfund sites on the NPL?

The NPL is intended primarily to guide EPA in determining which sites are so contaminated as to warrant further investigation and significant cleanup. As of 2021, 1322 sites are on the list, and 51 sites have been proposed for listing. 447 sites have been deleted from the list.

How many NPL sites are in Ohio?

According to the EPA, there were 52 proposed Superfund sites, 1,340 NPL sites and 405 deleted NPL sites as of Sept. 12, 2018. Currently, Ohio has 50 Superfund sites. It’s easier to think of them in categories, which include: proposed Superfunds, active Superfunds, completed Superfunds and deleted Superfunds.

How many Superfund sites are there in Louisiana?

The Superfund: ID’ing toxic Louisiana Currently, the EPA lists 15 sites in Louisiana on its National Priorities List, slating those sites for Superfund reimbursement money to complete cleanup.

How many Superfund sites have been remediated?

Since its inception in 1981, 387 sites have been officially cleared.

How many toxic waste sites are there in the US?

There are more than 1,300 of these spots in all — dubbed “Superfund sites” by the federal government — where toxic chemicals from factories and landfills were dumped for decades, polluting the surrounding soil, water and air.

What is the largest Superfund site in the US?

About the Hanford (USDOE) Site The 586 square mile Hanford Site is home to one of the largest Superfund cleanups in the nation. Hanford is divided into four National Priorities List (NPL) sites.

How many brownfield sites are in Louisiana?

To date, Louisiana has received over $25 million in EPA Brownfield funding including grants to LDEQ and local Brownfield grantees. This funding has been leveraged with other resources to address environmental concerns at over 400 sites statewide. Highlights from across the state include: Commerce Building, Baton Rouge.

What is the biggest Superfund site?