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How much does an ANSUL fire suppression system cost?

How much does an ANSUL fire suppression system cost?

The Ansul R-102 uses a low pH liquid agent and is designed for a variety of appliances. It also detects fires in ventilating equipment, including hoods, ducts, and grease extractors. Costs range from around $3,000 to around $5,500.

What is ANSUL r102?

The ANSUL® R-102 Restaurant Fire Suppression System is an automatic, pre-engineered, fire suppression system designed to protect areas associated with ventilating equipment includ- ing hoods, ducts, plenums, and filters. The system is capable of automatic detection and actuation as well as remote manual actuation.

What is the fire suppression system in the kitchen called?

Kitchen fire suppression systems are also sometimes referred to as Kitchen Cooker Hood Suppression Systems. Blackwood Fire are proud to be an authorised agent for Tyco Ansul R-102, Amerex and Firetrace Fire Suppression Systems in South Wales.

How do I become an ANSUL distributor?

To become an authorized ANSUL distributor, companies are required to regularly attend intense product training programs. These programs instruct and test attendees in the design, installation, and service of ANSUL fire suppression equipment. Fire Systems, Inc. has been a certified ANSUL distributor for over 30 years.

How much does it cost to install a fire suppression system in a food trailer?

How much does it cost to install a kitchen suppression system? Installation costs vary depending on the specs of the entire system. Typically, installation costs somewhere between $4k and $10k.

How much does it cost to install a fire suppression system in a restaurant?

The price for a restaurant fire suppression system is around $100 per tank with no fire department involved, and around $120 per tank with the fire department involved.

Where is the fire suppression automatic hood system located?

Where Is the Kitchen Fire Suppression System Installed? Kitchen fire suppression systems can be designed to protect a wide variety of kitchen appliances, such as stoves or deep fat fryers. The nozzles for the fire suppression system are installed in the kitchen hood exhaust.

How do I turn off fire suppression?

Open the control panel of the hood suppression system. Select the disable button to disarm the hood suppression system for a limited time before it comes back on. The time for which it will be disabled will be stated in the control panel, usually written on the door of the panel.

How much does it cost to install a fire suppression system on a food truck?

Typically, installation costs somewhere between $4k and $10k.

Do I need a fire suppression system in my restaurant?

California laws mandate that every restaurant installs suitable fire suppression mechanisms directly over the cooking equipment. Every restaurant owner must invest in a high-quality kitchen fire suppression system.

Is ANSUL a brand?

The ANSUL name is a premium brand of Tyco Fire Protection Products.

What is an ANSUL fire suppression?

ANSUL products protect more food service kitchens from fire than any other brand. The R-102 Fire Suppression System incorporates a flexible design with an extremely effective ANSULEX Low pH Liquid Agent. The appliance-specific design aims the nozzles at the specific hazard areas of each appliance.