Is it possible for a human to become a werewolf?
Werewolves do not exist in reality. No, it’s not possible for humans to turn into wolves. Werewolves do not exist in reality. However, there is an actual medical condition called Lycanthropy, where people believe they have turned into, or regularly transform into, other animals (most notably wolves).
Can a scratch turn you into a werewolf?
It is most frequently used by Alpha werewolves to turn humans into Beta Werewolves through a bite or an especially deep scratch, but this process can also turn humans into other creatures, such as Kanimas or Werejaguars, among others.
Do werewolves bite?
Werewolf bites are lethal to vampires. They can only use it when they are in wolf form or when they are in mid-transformation. If they bite in their human form it will only be equal to a mortal’s bite. So far, only two werewolves have used their bite: Jayden Noel.
Where do most Werewolves live?
The “eastern” werewolf-vampire is found in the folklore of Central and Eastern Europe, including Hungary, Romania and the Balkans, while the “western” werewolf-sorcerer is found in France, German-speaking Europe and in the Baltic.
What is the real way to become a werewolf?
Top 10 List of Ways I Learned How To Become A Werewolf Get Bitten by a Werewolf. Be the Child of Two Werewolves. Be the Recipient of the Werewolf Curse. Harness Your willpower With a Self-Visualization Spell. An Old, Bizarre Russian Ritual. Create a Magical Potion. Rub a Magical Salve on Your Body. Find a Wolf’s Paw Print in the Forest. Strap On A Wolf Belt.
Why do people turn into werewolves?
A Werewolf (also known as a lycanthrope, wolfman, wolfwoman, shape-shifter, children of the moon) is a human being that has the ability to shape-shift into a large wolf at the night and the full moon. This is caused by the effects of Lycanthropy; the disease that turns a person into a werewolf.
Is it possible for a human to turn into a wolf?
No, it’s not possible for humans to turn into wolves . Werewolves do not exist in reality. However, there is an actual medical condition called Lycanthropy, where people believe they have turned into, or regularly transform into, other animals (most notably wolves).
How does a human become a werewolf?
1. a person can become a werewolf by being born a werewolf, bitten by a werewolf, cursed by someone you have wronged in some way, and being given the power threw sorcery. These are the only real ways. 2. Silver will not kill a werewolf, although it will cause pain and discomfort.