Why does stretching of rubber decrease entropy? As the rubber band is being stretched Ω decreases as a function of length and therefore the entropy…
Is there a pecan sheller? Texan Nut Sheller 00001 The Texan York Sheller-Nut Cracker. How does a nut shelling machine work? After starting, the shells…
How old do you have to be an army cadet? At a glance: Age 12-18. Fun, adventurous activities and sport. Learn fieldcraft, survival skills and…
Why am I smiling for no reason? People who have a brain injury or neurological disease can also develop sudden uncontrollable and exaggerated emotional outbursts.…
Why is it called Madden-Julian Oscillation? Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO), intraseasonal fluctuation of atmospheric pressure over the equatorial Indian and western Pacific oceans, named for American…
Where did station wagons originate? The first station wagons were built in around 1910, by independent manufacturers producing wooden custom bodies for the Ford Model…
Why did Czar Nicholas give up his power? Crowned on May 26, 1894, Nicholas was neither trained nor inclined to rule, which did not help…
Can you freeze ganache filled cupcakes? Hi Roshan, Yes you can do all of that. Fill it with the ganache and freeze. Just make sure…
Who is the new owner of Remington? Vista Outdoor On July 28, 2020, Remington filed again for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, and its assets were…
What made the middle colonies attractive to poor man apex? What made the middle colonies attractive to poor men? There was plenty of good land…
Why is my cat suddenly hissing at my other cat after surgery? Is this normal feline behavior after surgery and will it pass? Very common…