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What are some products and natural resources in the West Region?

What are some products and natural resources in the West Region?

The West has many useful natural resources such as trees, potatoes, pineapples, salt, and oil. Deposits of many minerals, including copper, gold, and silver, are found within the Rocky Mountains, making the West an excellent source for minerals.

What are the major crops of the West region?

The climate, characterized by low humidi- ty and many cloud-free days, is ideal for some irrigated and nonirrigated crops such as wheat, sorghum, cotton, potatoes, barley, and special- ty crops such as fruits, nuts, grapes, and table vegetables.

What products are made from steel in the West?

What products are made from steel in the West region? Aircrafts, battleships, fishing boats, What is Old Faithful? It is one of the well known geysers.

What are some manufactured products in the West Region?

The West region is a center of the wood products industry. Wood products include lumber, plywood, cardboard, and paper. Much of the wood used in the United States comes from the West. Salt is one of the most important things that people get from the Great Salt Lake.

How does the West Region make money?

During the Gold Rush days, farming and mining were the West Region’s major industries. Today, farming and mining are still done. You will also find manufacturing, technology, and tourism in the region. The region’s natural resources and climate are very important to its industries.

What foods are grown in the West Region?

Crops grown in this area include apricots, almonds, strawberries, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, grapes, asparagus, oranges, cotton, corn and much more. Potatoes, green beans, onions, and broccoli are also grown in the valley. Washington is known for its apples. Washington produces more apples than any other state.

What man made resources are produced in the West Region?

Beef cattle, sheep (wool), and milk are produced in the West. The West is known for its wealthy supply of mineral resources such as oil, coal, lead, silver, gold, and copper. Many of these minerals are found in the Rocky Mountains. The West is the center of the timber industry.