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What are the 10 medical functions in the Army?

What are the 10 medical functions in the Army?

Any Medical Service Corps (MSC) officer worth his or her salt can quickly recite the 10 medical functions: medical mission command, medical treatment, hospitalization, medical evacuation, dental services, preventive medicine services, combat and operational stress control, veterinary services, medical logistics, and …

Which of the following areas of the Army Health System includes the sub function of hospitalization?

HOSPITALIZATION. The hospitalization medical function includes forward resuscitative surgery, respiratory care, clinical laboratory services, blood bank, radiological services, pharmacy support, nutritional care, patient administration, optometry, physical therapy, and preventive medicine.

What are the 10 medical functional areas?

This system encompasses the ten functional areas of medical treatment: area support, medical evacuation, medical regulating, hospitalization, preventive medicine, health service logistics, dental, veterinary, combat operational stress control services, and medical laboratory support.

Where can my MOS be stationed?

Possible First Duty Stations / Assignments by MOS

15Y Bliss, Bragg, Campbell, Carson, Drum, Hood, Hunter, Lewis, Polk, Riley 15Y
17C Gordon, Lackland, Meade 17C
19D Benning, Bliss, Bragg, Campbell, Carson, Drum, Eustis, Hood, Irwin, Lewis, Polk, Riley, Stewart 19D

What are the 4 levels of Prevention?

For many health problems, a combination of primary, secondary and tertiary interventions are needed to achieve a meaningful degree of prevention and protection.

What is included in preventive medicine?

Preventive care helps detect or prevent serious diseases and medical problems before they can become major. Annual check-ups, immunizations, and flu shots, as well as certain tests and screenings, are a few examples of preventive care. This may also be called routine care.

What are the ten functional areas of medical treatment?

This system encompasses the ten functional areas of medical treatment: area support, medical evacuation, medical regulating, hospitalization, preventive medicine, health service logistics, dental,…

What does MFA 70 stand for in the Army?

MFA 70–Administrative Health Services. (1) General. Provides unique health services administration leadership to the AMEDD in the functioning of health care facilities and organizations, and in support of the Operational Army. Assignments range from Health Services Generating Force (TDA) to Operating Force (TOE) units, in both CONUS and OCONUS.

What are the specialties of the Medical Service Corps?

Description of the Medical Service Corps The Medical Service Corps (MSC) is comprised of a wide diversity of health care administrative and scientific specialties ranging from the management and support of the Army’s health services system to direct patient care.

What do medical companies do in the military?

Medical companies and troops of brigades, divisions, separate brigades, armored cavalry regiments, and area support medical battalions (ASMBs) render care at Level II. They examine and evaluate the casualty’s wounds and general status to determine treatment and evacuation precedence.