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What can you eat in the first week of braces?
What Can I Eat with Braces in the First Week?
- Dairy Products – Soft cheeses, pudding, yogurt, and smoothies.
- Eggs – Scrambled eggs are especially soft and healthy.
- Bread – Pancakes, soft tortillas, and muffins.
- Grains – Pasta, oatmeal, and rice.
- Meats – Soft cooked chicken, lunch meats, seafood, and meatballs.
Can you eat a burger with braces?
Please don’t eat popcorn, nuts, and seeds either, as the pieces can get stuck in your appliances or break them. You can still eat things like ice cream, brownies, cookies, cake, French fries, burger, hot dogs, and pizza (just avoid the crust), no problem. Below is a list of foods to avoid and foods you can eat.
Can I eat chips with braces?
Can I eat chips with braces? Yes, you just need to select the right ones. Pringles, “baked” chips and Cheeto Puffs/Fries are great braces options for chips. Just try to remember to eat ONE CHIP AT A TIME, so that you don’t accidentally break a bracket.
Can I eat KFC with braces?
You can eat boneless and easy to chew chicken dishes with braces. If you want to eat KFC chicken, make small pieces before you take them and ensure that crispy or crunchy portion doesn’t hurt your braces.
Are hot dogs bad for braces?
Other examples of foods that can be eaten this way are soft tacos, hot dogs, hamburgers, and soft fruit. These are just a few examples of the many foods you can eat while wearing braces. Just keep in mind to avoid sticky, gooey, hard, or crunchy foods that may damage your braces.
Can you eat Oreos with braces?
Soft cookies (without nuts) are good, but avoid hard cookies like Oreos and Chips Ahoy unless you’re a milk dunker. Ice cream is fine, but skip the nuts and hard candy toppings.
Can I eat McDonalds with braces?
Eating with Braces at McDonalds. The normal rules for taking care of your braces apply at McDonald’s. Even though hamburgers are soft, they require a large front biting motion that may dislodge your wires. If the hamburger is cut into smaller pieces, you don’t need to use that risky front bite.
Can I eat Oreos with braces?
Can you have Doritos with braces?
Any type of hard and crunchy food is something you will want to avoid while wearing your braces. Chips like Fritos, Doritos, Tostitos, Cheetos, Takis, as well as pretzels and other hard breads are foods that can not only damage your wire, but also cause your brackets to break.
What foods you can and cannot eat with your braces?
You can eat all braces-friendly foods mentioned above to avoid stress, strain or damage to your braces. Naming a few: Smoothie, yogurt, ice cream, and soup. Do not eat things that get stuck in the braces and can harm them. Popcorn, nuts, gums, raw vegetables, and burgers will not go well with your braces.
What are foods you should avoid when you have braces?
Use Caution Hard fruit Hard raw vegetables Unground whole grains, hard crusted bread Meat from the bone Whole or chunky nuts and seeds Candy
What foods can I eat while I have braces?
There are plenty of nutritious and tasty things you can still eat whilst wearing braces, such as: Pasta, soft rice Soft or sliced cheese, milk, yoghurts, custard Fruit such as bananas and berries (but watch out for pips!) Steamed or roasted vegetables, mashed or pureed potato, carrot, suede Stewed apple, pears or rhubarb Fresh fruit or vegetables chopped up into smaller pieces Soft and fluffy bread, muffins, pastry, wraps
What not to eat with braces list?
Both kinds of foods and snacks can cause serious issues with your braces. Avoid eating the following: Caramels. Gum. Sticky candy. Nuts. Ice.