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What does Equality do in Anthem?

What does Equality do in Anthem?

Equality 7-2521 A street sweeper, the protagonist of the novella. Equality 7-2521, who later renames himself Prometheus, believes in individualism and rejects the collectivist society around him. He is vain and self-centered, strong, beautiful, and intelligent.

What does Equality fear in Anthem?

She is attractive and her eyes in particular are striking: “no fear in them, no kindness, and no guilt” (2.4). For the first time in his life, Equality 7-2521 feels fear. Pain too. Somebody calls the beautiful woman “Liberty 5-3000” and she retreats further into the fields.

What crime did Equality commit in Anthem?

Throughout the beginning of the novella, Equality 7-2521 most frequently committed the Transgression of Preference, the transgression of preferring one object over the other. We often find that Equality cannot do what the society desires; he cannot love all objects and all others equally.

What moral choices does Equality make in Anthem?

In the novella Anthem written by Ayn Rand that she writes about two opposite moralities: collectivism and individualism. Collectivism is followed by a totalitarian dictatorship. Equality, the protagonist, is opposed to collectivism morality; instead, Equality chooses individualism as his moral compass.

How does Equality meet Liberty?

Equality 7-2521 meets Liberty 5-3000, a worker in the Home of the Peasants. She is working in the fields near the road he is sweeping when he sees her and falls in love with her. She sees him on the road, and the next day, she comes over to the hedges where he is working.

What does Equality 7-2521 do for a living?

What does Equality 7-2521 do for a living? How does Equality 7-2521 discover electricity? Equality 7-2521 discovers electricity.

What are the rules in Anthem?

This statement sums up the legal system of society after the “Great Rebirth” in Anthem by Ayn Rand. There are rules for everything: no smiling without reason, no friendships, no crushes, and ultimately nothing done solely for one’s own benefit.

What is equality 7-2521’s only response when the plan is enforced?

What does Equality 7-2521 say in response to the Council of the Home’s question? Why? “We will not tell you”. Equality says this because they do not want to reveal their secret tunnel or their discovery of light to anyone yet, for these things may be destroyed if others know about them.

What does equality see in the river?

Equality 7-2521 Sees His Reflection Equality 7-2521 keeps walking until he comes upon a stream. He kneels down beside the stream to drink water from it and, on its still surface, he sees his own reflection for the very first time in his life. He explains that ”our face and our body were beautiful.

What happens to Equality 7-2521 in anthem?

He is very proprietary about the house and its contents, and it provides the key to his epiphany. Upon discovering the “I” while he is reading in the library in the house, Equality 7-2521 suddenly becomes aware that he is the center of his own universe, and the curse he has been fighting is actually a blessing to be embraced.

Why does Equality 7-2521 want to live?

Equality 7-2521 realizes that he actually created the lightbulb for its own sake and that he does want to live because his body is strong and youthful and beautiful—a realization that severs his last connections to society and makes him a free man.

What happens when Equality 7-2521 meets the Golden One?

When Equality 7-2521 meets the Golden One, he no longer wants to deny that he prefers some of his peers to others. Because he wants to think about her all the time, and because the urge is so overwhelming, he gives himself to his sin. In so doing, he takes his first major step down the road toward breaking with society.