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What does it mean if a person is prolific?

What does it mean if a person is prolific?

Someone or something that is prolific is fruitful or highly productive. A prolific songwriter can churn out five hit tunes before breakfast. A prolific writer cranks out two novels a year, and a prolific rabbit has baby bunnies every few months.

How do you use the word prolific?

(1) Few composers can match his prolific output. (2) Meyers is a diligent and prolific worker. (3) Picasso was extremely prolific during his Cubist years. (4) She is a prolific writer of novels and short stories.

What does it mean to think in a prolific way?

Intellectually inventive and fruitful; producing many ideas or creating many things.

What is the synonym of prolific?

1’the plant bears a prolific crop of large, firm tomatoes’ plentiful, abundant, bountiful, profuse, copious, luxuriant, rich, lush, proliferative. fertile, fruitful, fecund. rife, rank.

Does prolific mean creative?

According to the dictionary, prolific means “producing much foliage, fruit, or many offspring.” Its synonyms are productive, creative, inventive and fertile. It’s a word that has come to mean being overly productive, and having the ability to turn ones available resources into something of use to the rest of us.

What does prolific mean to Nipsey?

to be plentiful and abundant
Prolific means to be plentiful and abundant, especially when it comes to output in terms of life’s work. This sentiment and word summed up Nipsey perfectly — aside from being an independent musician he was also an astute and diverse entrepreneur.

What does prolific of hand mean?

Bearing in abundance especially offspring. Synonyms: fertile; prolific.

Is being prolific a good thing?

Keep the ideas coming Of course, there’s a role for natural talent but the very process of writing, researching and inventing – being highly prolific – helps you become better and more original in your field.

What’s the opposite of prolific?

Antonyms: unfruitful, unproductive. Synonyms: fat, fecund, productive, rich, fertile.

What are antonyms for the word prolific?

antonyms for prolific

  • barren.
  • fruitless.
  • impotent.
  • unfruitful.
  • unproductive.

What is the opposite word for prolific?

Antonyms: unproductive, unfruitful. Synonyms: fat, fecund, productive, rich, fertile.

What did Nipsey Hussle face tattoo say?

“God Will Rise,” is the meaning of Nipsey’s birth name, Ermias. And they are the same words that Nipsey had permanently inked on his face. The tattoo is just one way that London is honoring Hussle, who she called her “best friend, sanctuary, protector, and soul.”

What does prodigious vs prolific mean?

While this word comes from prodigy (a young someone who has an incredible ability) the adjective prodigious does not refer to someone being a prodigy. Prolific is an adjective used to describe someone or something as producing many things, as in fruit from a plant, music from a musician, or an athlete scoring points.

What is the definition of prolific?

Definition of prolific. 1 : producing young or fruit especially freely : fruitful. 2 archaic : causing abundant growth, generation, or reproduction. 3 : marked by abundant inventiveness or productivity a prolific composer.

What is the adjective for prolific?

Prolific – (Adjective) – producing abundantly; productive; creative; fertile Promising – (Adjective) – likely to develop positively; hopeful; capable; talented; gifted Prophetic – (Adjective) – having the abilities of a prophet, to predict what will happen, prescient;