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What does rhapsody mean?

What does rhapsody mean?

1 : a portion of an epic poem adapted for recitation. 2 archaic : a miscellaneous collection. 3a(1) : a highly emotional utterance. (2) : a highly emotional literary work.

What does rhapsody mean in music?

songs stitched together
“Rhapsody” is an ancient word that means “songs stitched together”. The Greeks used to write long poems in praise of their heroes, and then take bits and pieces of those poems and string them together for performance. In music, a rhapsody is a free-form piece that takes different tunes and strings them together.

What is rhapsody app?

Rhapsody Music Player is a free app for Android that belongs to the category Music & Audio, and has been developed by Rhapsody International, Inc.. It’s recommended for music lovers, music fans, families.

What type of word is rhapsody?

noun, plural rhap·so·dies. Music. an instrumental composition irregular in form and suggestive of improvisation.

Is rhapsody a feeling?

nounplural noun rhapsodies. 1An effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling.

Does rhapsody still exist?

On July 14, 2016, Rhapsody phased out the Rhapsody brand in favor of Napster and has since branded its service internationally as Napster.

Who invented the rhapsody?

We can thank the Greeks for the idea of the Rhapsody, though their Rhapsodies were rather more word-based – poetry to be exact. Poetic Rhapsodies were a kind of recital of all the best bits of poems, brought together in one colourful epic.

How much is Rhapsody a month?

The regular price for Rhapsody Premier: $9.99 per month. That subscription allows for music streaming in one location at a time, though you can authorize up to three devices to download music and play offline.

Who created Rhapsody?

George Gershwin
Jazzing.” After 24 such stem-winders, the house was growing restless. Then a young man named George Gershwin, then known only as a composer of Broadway songs, seated himself at the piano to accompany the orchestra in the performance of a brand new piece of his own composition, called Rhapsody In Blue.

What does Epithalamic mean?

: a song or poem in honor of a bride and bridegroom.

Is rhapsodic a word?

The straightforward meaning of the adjective rhapsodic is “like a rhapsody,” but in usage it borrows chiefly from a figurative use of rhapsody, “effusively rapturous or emotional expression.” You might come across the phrase “to wax rhapsodic,” which is pretty much the same thing as “to gush.” People who are in love.

How much does Rhapsody cost?