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What does the IS mark on Rogers silverware mean?

What does the IS mark on Rogers silverware mean?

The IS on your silver stands for “International Silver” (company). This company was a silver plate company and known for and specialize in silver plated tableware.

What is the symbol for sterling silver on flatware?

Sterling silver (925): This is the standard for silver, identifying a silver item that is at least 92.5% silver mixed with copper to give it strength. Marks on these pieces include 925 or Sterling. Any mark indicating a higher silver content, such as 950, would also qualify as sterling.

Is WM Rogers is real silver?

Rogers sterling (often marked Wm Rogers – and also indicated ‘Sterling’) is actually pure silver. These indicate that your items are made from stainless steel, electroplated, or are simply silver plated.

How do you read sterling silver hallmarks?

Moving up in fineness, the next symbol you will find is 925. This number indicates the metal is silver and that it is 92.5% pure. Silver that is marked with 925 is known as Sterling Silver. Sterling Silver is commonly used in jewellery, cutlery (such as silver spoons), and other products because of its durability.

How do I know if my silverware is solid or plated?

Check the colouring of the item carefully; genuine silver is generally less shiny and colder in tone than silverplate. If you see places where the silver appears to be flaking off or turning green, the item is silver plated. To investigate further, you can try cleaning the item with a soft cloth.

What does the is stand for on Rogers silverware?

It stands for “International Silver,” a cartel of silverware manufacturers formed in 1898 by 14 silver producers, the largest of which were Holmes and Edwards, Meriden Britannia, and Rogers Brothers.. The IS marking does not give any indication about the purity or value of the silver.

What does the is stamp on William Rogers flatware mean?

“IS” stands for International Silver, a large manufacturing and distributing company, who bought out Rogers Bros. several years ago (a Google search can show the exact date), along with many other makers of silver, silver-plate & stainless flatware & holloware.

Are there any sterling silver pieces by Rogers Brothers?

Rogers Brothers is NOT all Sterling Make sure that you are aware that NOT all sets and pieces by Rogers Brothers are sterling. Some pieces are silver plate. Sometimes people automatically assume that old silver pieces are sterling, but silver plating techniques have been around since the 1800s.

How to tell if WM Rogers is is plate or sterling?

Most WM Rogers is plate. Look on the back of a spoon. If they are sterling they are usually marked “STERLING”. IFf itvsays triple plate or quadruple plate then its silver plated. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.