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What is a hydride in chemistry?

What is a hydride in chemistry?

hydride, any of a class of chemical compounds in which hydrogen is combined with another element. Three basic types of hydrides—saline (ionic), metallic, and covalent—may be distinguished on the basis of type of chemical bond involved.

What are hydrides in simple terms?

Hydride, in simple terms, is said to be the anion of hydrogen. It is a chemical compound where the hydrogen atoms exhibit nucleophilic, basic or reducing properties. Usually, in a hydride, the hydrogen has the oxidation number equal to −1.

What is hydride formula?

Hydride is a hydrogen anion with the formula H–. Hydrides may be defined as binary compounds of hydrogen with other elements. Hydrogen is covalently bonded to a less electronegative element in hydride. The hydrides may be represented by the general formula EHx or EmHn.

What is hydride Class 11?

The binary compounds of hydrogen with metals and non-metals are called hydrides. As such they are ionic compounds (Li+H-) and thus behave like salts. For example, LiH, NaH, CaH2. (ii) Molecular or covalent hydrides: These are formed by elements having higher electronegativity than hydrogen i.e. by the p-block elements.

What is an ionic hydride?

Saline hydrides (also known as ionic hydrides or pseudohalides) are compounds form between hydrogen and the most active metals, especially with the alkali and alkaline-earth metals of group one and two elements. In this group, the hydrogen acts as the hydride ion (H−).

Is HF a hydride?

Except in cases where their properties are changed by hydrogen bonding (such as water), covalent hydrides are liquids or gases with low melting and boiling points. NH3, H2O, and HF are the covalent hydrides examples.

Is NaH metallic hydride?

Nah is a metallic type of hydride.

What are hydrides and oxides?

A hydride is a compound of hydrogen with another element or elements, typically an alkali or alkaline earth metal. They’re used as sources of hydrogen in chemical reductions, batteries, and for hydrogen storage at low pressures. An oxide is a. chemical compound.

What is hydrides and classification?

Hydrides are classified into three major groups, depending on what elements the hydrogen bonds to. The three major groups are covalent, ionic, and metallic hydrides. Formally, hydride is known as the negative ion of a hydrogen, H-, also called a hydride ion.

What is a covalent hydride?

Covalent hydrides are primarily compounds of hydrogen and nonmetals, in which the bonds are evidently electron pairs shared by atoms of comparable electronegativities. Covalent hydrides can be formed from boron (B), aluminum (Al), and gallium (Ga) of group 13 in the periodic table.

What are ionic hydrides?

Saline hydrides (also known as ionic hydrides or pseudohalides) are compounds form between hydrogen and the most active metals, especially with the alkali and alkaline-earth metals of group one and two elements. In this group, the hydrogen acts as the hydride ion (H−). They bond with more electropositive metal atoms.

What does the name hydride mean?

In chemistry, a hydride is the anion of hydrogen, H−, or, more commonly, an alloy, or compound in which one or more hydrogen centres have nucleophilic, reducing, or basic properties. In compounds that are regarded as hydrides, hydrogen is bonded to a more electropositive element or group.

Which is the least stable hydride?

The reducing character of the hydrides of Group 15 elements increases from NH 3 to BiH 3 (Bismuthine) because the reducing character depends upon the stability of the hydride.The greater the unstability of anhydride,the greater is the its reducing character.Since,the BiH 3 is the least stable (because the size of central atom is greatest & therefore its tendency to form stable covalent bond with small hydrogen atom decreases,as a result the bond strength decreases) in this series,hence the

What is the chemical formula for hydride?

The general chemical formula of a hydride is MH x. Here M is the other element with which hydrogen makes a binary compound. And the x denotes the number of hydrogen atoms. There are three possible types of hydrides based on their structure and chemical properties.

What does metal hydride mean?

Metal-hydride meaning (chemistry) Any compound in which hydrogen is bonded chemically to a metal or metalloid element.