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What is a sentence for the word libertine?

What is a sentence for the word libertine?

How to use libertine in a sentence. The young scholar always allows himself a number of libertine sonnets, and we avow it is particularly disagreeable to us. I doubt it, sire, and I advise you to send away this libertine St. Luc, who is resolved not to amend.

What is a libertine person?

1 disparaging : a freethinker especially in religious matters. 2 : a person who is unrestrained by convention or morality specifically : one leading a dissolute life libertines indulging a variety of amorous impulses — Mel White.

What is a libertine man?

A libertine is a person devoid of most moral principles, a sense of responsibility, or sexual restraints, which are seen as unnecessary or undesirable, especially someone who ignores or even spurns accepted morals and forms of behaviour sanctified by the larger society.

What is libertine literature?

The libertine novel was an 18th-century literary genre of which the roots lay in the European but mainly French libertine tradition. The genre effectively ended with the French Revolution. Themes of libertine novels were anti-clericalism, anti-establishment and eroticism.

Can a woman be a libertine?

The female libertine increasingly appeared in fiction as authors like Behn, Trotter, Manley and Eliza Haywood adapted the female libertine as a model for the heroine of their novels of sensibility. 55BC), whose ”Epicurean ideas shaped writers’ characterizations of the female libertine” (3).

What is a libertine lifestyle?

If you drink a lot, eat a lot, and live a wild and unrestrained life, you might be called a libertine. A libertine is someone who lives life unencumbered by morals. Although it can be used neutrally, often if someone calls you a libertine, they disapprove of your lack of morality.

Can a female be a libertine?

What is libertine attitude?

A libertine is someone who lives life unencumbered by morals. Although it can be used neutrally, often if someone calls you a libertine, they disapprove of your lack of morality.

What is a synonym for the word Libertine?

See more synonyms for libertine on noun. a person who is morally or sexually unrestrained, especially a dissolute man; a profligate; rake. a freethinker in religious matters.

When did Shakespeare use the term’libertine’?

By the late 1500s, “libertine” had been extended to religious and secular freethinkers; Shakespeare used it to refer to anyone who follows his or her own inclinations. By 1600, though, the term had come to imply that an individual was a little too unrestrained, especially in moral situations.

Who is the most libertine character in Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones had an overly sensual libertine while House of Cards had a manipulative psychopath. And they were both these libertine figures during their lives. She sought to arouse what attention she could by running for governor as the most libertine of libertarians.